Rules that aren't taught by agencies can't be broken... or have they now adopted better standards involving this subject?
What agency? GUE rules or TDI rules or IANTD rules or PADI rules? Dive certs have taught me. Diving and talking to other divers has taught me much more.
My early SSI and PADI training taught me nothing more about gas management than "Back on the boat with 500 lbs." I don't think I even learned that as part of a cert. I might have learned it from the various dive charters I did early on. It wasn't until I started diving with tech divers that I even heard of the rule of thirds.
When I think of where I was after 20 dives and where my friend was after her first twenty I realize the world of diving knowledge I've aquired since then. I've tried to share as much as I can with her. We did buddy checks, planned our dives, talked after each dive about what we might have done better. She aquired a world of experience in our dives last week and I learned piles and piles of what NOT to take for granted. It was all good. It's a good day when nobody gets hurt.
On our first dive at Dutch Springs she was bouncing around in the water and flapping her arms. By the time we were done with the 11 dives in the kelp forest she was a mermaid. It was a beautiful thing to be part of. How do you get to be a better diver? How do you learn about diving? Dive, dive, dive.
My husband would fall over dead if I told him some of the stories from this trip, however.
By the way Dr. Bill, I am really glad I finally met you! And don't worry. I won't tell anyone on here about that thing you did at the dive park.