Venice Beach paradise

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Kingston,Ontario, Canada
# of dives
500 - 999
Today a couple of Ontarions actually got to dive in 3 mm suits for a change....we found a few treasures and saw some fish and a snail....and a very friendly crab as well. we willbe back tomorrow for some more fun in the sun....had a fabulous lunch at Geraldi's after , the best pizza and Calzone I have ever had!Venice is a very nice town.....
see you tomorrow
I think we are hooked on searching for shark's teeth!

I finally managed to drag Anne out of the water after our hour and forty five minute dive searching the outer edges of some debris fields in the river bed.

We managed to pull up a hundred or so of the little beauties and even a couple of decent ones.

I am the proud owner of a 1 1/2 inch mako tooth which will go on a nice necklace to remind me of our great and relaxing trip to south Florida.

Thanks to the nice gentleman at the beach who guided us in the right direction for looking for teeth and thanks to Steve and Ken at Florida West Scuba School for the fills, friendly service and odds and ends! Great shop and most importantly within walking distance of Geraldis Pizza!

Might go out again tomorrow morning. Hopefully CanadianDiverGirl can make it out with us if her cold is better.

Here's some shots from today's dive:
Why? I'm sweating with just a swim suit.

Hi Walter?!! Where are you??? :D

The diving today was great and I stayed warmmmmm in my wetsuit.

Going again tomorrow. :wink:

I'm working today. Tomorrow, I'll be teaching an OW class on the east coast. I'm sorry I won't get to see you on this trip. It was great meeting you last time. Next time PM me in advance, so I can plan to dive with you.

nice find!!!!! will be a beaut. on a chain.

I'm working today. Tomorrow, I'll be teaching an OW class on the east coast. I'm sorry I won't get to see you on this trip. It was great meeting you last time. Next time PM me in advance, so I can plan to dive with you.


No problem....had a very nice dive today....found a few nice ones and saw a beautiful jellyfish. I love this warm water and being down fro 110!!!! at home my dives are usually about 30 min. to 40min.
We ae leaving tomorrow , but will be eback for more diving this xmas....have good weekend.
Dang! And we are planning a trip over there tomorrow morning!

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