Venice Beach 31JUL - 01AUG Anyone??

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Hello all. First off I appreciate any constructive info the group can give on this topic.

I am new to this forum. I have lurked a few threads over the past couple of weeks but this is the first post I have made. I was wondering if anyone is going to be diving Venice Beach near Everglades Drive or Alahambra, on Saturday or Sunday morning (31JUL ,01AUG)? I would like to hang around and observe or maybe even drop in if nobody minds.

I just had a couple of questions on etiquette and SOP for you all:
I have been diving off/on in the springs and in the Keys since '86 but have never done a beach dive and was wondering if you all just walk into the surf, about how far out you swim, how many tanks you dive, etc? Is a wetsuit recommended as warm as it is (abrasion protxn).

I won't have a dive buddy and was wondering if you dive as a loose group or pair off with specific partners (anyone else showing up solo)? I signed the wife and daughter up for OW classes but they won't be done in time for that weekend. Sounds like kind of a rough first-experience anyway.

Any eqpt I should be sure to bring besides the basics? Say for instance, gloves, flag, digging tools, etc? Should I leave any standard stuff behind (ala clam diving with no fins, etc)?

Last, does anyone know what the conditions are looking like lately as far as visibility, red tide, etc?

Sorry about the newb approach but this dive sounds really interesting and I am going to be in the area for a family road trip and thought i might try it while the rest of the brood is asleep (summer sleeping schedule for them).
Tentatively pencil me in. Which day do you want (gotta arrange babysitting)?

Typically we gear up at the cars at the end of Alhambra street. It's a short walk to the beach, just wade in and head west. I usually drop down around 75 yards out. You will want to be anywhere from 13' to 21'. The key is what's on the bottom. You will find mostly sand (especially now that the beach renourishment is complete), but there will be patches of rubble and debris. That's what your looking for. Sadly enough, the patches you will be seeing is the remains of what was a reef system that the City of Venice dumped 5' of sand on :mad:.

One tank usually lasts me 1 1/2-2 hours out there, so I usually only do one dive (again babysitting). During the summer, I usually just wear a swimsuit, but you may want to wear a skin. The water temp will probably be in the upper 80's to lower 90's, so even a 3mm can get very warm after a while.

Usually this is done in buddy pairs, but I do occasionally dive this site solo (I've done this site dozens of times and fell comfortable doing so, I don't advocate this to anyone, however).

You will need to have a flag (people have been fined for diving without one there) and a tooth bag. I don't use any digging apparatus, if I want to dig, I just wave the sand, but if you want, I think a garden trowel would be handy..

As far as conditions, there is usually little to no current, but vis is hit or miss. You need a couple of nice days in a row to get good vis (good being 10'-15', although I have seen up to 30' this time of year). All you need, though is 6". Red tide is anyone's guess. With the above normal temps this year, red tide is seeming to be a real issue.
Hey ReefGuy. I didn't have a particular day in mind, I was just planning on dropping in (being an outsider and all; or at least a new acquaintance to the group). I assumed it was a regular thing with a few people every weekend. It would be better for me to do it Sunday morning. What time do you usually go, when are conditions best, etc, or TOD make a diff? I do want to clear it with my wife as we are going over there for her birthday and I want to make sure she hasn't planned anything. I just got back from Ft. Monroe and haven't even talked with her yet. I think I'm safe Sun AM though.

I understand where you are coming from with the solo thing - I tend to take the safe, reasonable man approach rather than the Barney Fife, 'the rulebook says x so I have to do it that way'. I am serious about safety and I do what makes sense. I have gone solo, but usually with someone topside hanging out in case. Also, when the situation is right, I may dive the old fashion way with just a hawaiian rig and a 2' weight. I was thinking about just a swimsuit, but I have been hearing feedback about jellyfish and that can suck; so I may wear a surfsuit I just picked up last week. I don't have a skin and I have let my gut go some so I would be too embarassed to wear it if I did. I am clawing my way back to fighting form though.

BTW, my name is Steve. Nice to make your acquaintance. Look forward to meeting you if it works out. Thanks for the info and the offer to dive.
Sunday would probably work best for me, but warning: life has been hectic lately, and I can't guarantee anything. Odds are good, though :).

I prefer to get in earlier, as the winds tend to pick up in the afternoon and shift to the west, causing vis to tend to drop as the day goes on. Usually around 9:30am at alhambra.
Make tentative plans for Sun 31JUL @ 0930. I will be at theend of Alahambra and look forward to meeting any/all of you.
I have babysitting, so barring yet another trip to the hospital for my wife, I'll be there.
Hope the wife is doing well.

Still on for this weekend?
Anyone else?

I cut my shin on the boat trailer tongue but am going to plan on going anyway. Hopefully it will be healed by then, but if not I am going to make sure it is sealed for the dive. Probably remote, but I don't want to take a chance on attracting toothy visitors from the panhandle.

I am probably going to put some vaseline with cellophane over it and then my wetsuit to hold it sealed. The wife (a nurse) also has a large area bandage made of polyethylene to cover open wounds after surgery that I can use.

I was planning on just swimsuit but if it isn't healed over then I'll do what I have to. I know I am probably being paranoid about sharks, but no sense taking a chance.
Still on for me.

Between the recent red tide and the beach renourishment, I doubt there'll be anything alive with 10 miles of the beach, I'd cover it more to keep off infection than for worrying over sharks. Besides, I love sharks (when I'm not spearing), and we'd get to watch a show :D

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