What is more important, to my mind, is knowing that the people I'm diving with no my issues and I know there's. The way we dive, and what we do, is tailored to suit that.
That's always the bottom line, isn't it? My buddies dove with me for months while I was learning my doubles, and they knew I couldn't reach my isolator. Of course, the dives were easy recreational dives, the same ones we had been doing on single tanks with no redundancy at all, so it really wasn't an issue. But we wouldn't have attempted anything more ambitious until I got the problem solved. So in that vein, notice that Bismark didn't say he wouldn't dive with you. He said he wouldn't go into a virtual or real overhead with someone who couldn't manage his valves, and I think that's a fair determination for him to make.
We all have strong points and weak points in our diving, and as long as we are honest about them, our teammates can make risk assessment decisions as to which, if any dives they are willing to do with us.