Undergarments that fit on the looser side may help. It's possible your drysuit may also still be contributing a bit more than you think, especially if the sleeves are not long enough or allow for the girth of cold water gear. This is longer than you need for most other diving motions as the arm material moves more than most imagine when reaching back. It's made worse with thick undergarments as they take up some of the slack. If those UGs are tight they restrict movement too and together make even more difficult. Another factor is if the overall length of your DS torso doesnt allow for additional movement it will restrict the arms. The Fusion doesnt have much additional torso length. The body position when reaching for valves can use up a lot of play in the entire suit.
Drysuit sleeves are actually a wee bit long for me! I'm always pulled them up. I always make sure to pull the skin up all the way. There is some extra play in it.