Va. Tech shooting

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A ScubaBoard Staff Message...

This thread is back open for posting. As stated above, please refrain from discussing politics and gun control. season on was it religion that made him do it?

hmmmmm...maybe we should ban religion:popcorn: :popcorn:
no, sorry C

i dont think he was paranoid schisophrenic

they are much more "paranoid" than aggressive ... they feel the world is out to get them, and tell everybody about it

i do think this guy had a personality disorder, perhaps narcocistic, which drove him into psychosis

for me, "evil" is really a meaningless word ... it doesn't mean anything, other than the person didn't do "good"

that's not narrow enough for me
Is "nuts" still an OK description?
Is "nuts" still an OK description?

No...that will get u a vacation.

correct term is, "he had issues"
Is "nuts" still an OK description?

you nailed it, dude
yea..lets stick to mental illness, thats kosher, right?

he looked like every paranoid schizophrenic I've every seen, they are kind of classic

pych wasn't my gig, but I'll bet he was and it often manifests itself around his age.

so...people that are functional, often suddenly manifest differently somehow as young adults. I think thats one of the hallmarks if I recall, along with the paranoia.

I am not sure he was "evil", I'll settle for ill enough that he needed to be stopped with lethal force. Almost a(n?) euthanasia even...even he realized that on some level.

schizophrenia doesn't really have a sudden onset. it starts in early adulthood and graudally the person has more 'breaks' that they usually don't fully recover from and deteriorate over the course of years. schizophrenics also have trouble putting thoughts together. as an extreme symptom it can manifest as 'word salad' which is kind of like the end of Waiting for Godot. i remember listening to a guy who had to be schizophrenic have a conversation on the phone (talking to himself?) in the computer lab in college and it made my brain really hurt because his topics from sentence to sentence would flow without forming any paragraphs.

i don't think this guy was a schizophrenic. i doubt you can find anything useful from psychoanalyzing him that would clinically differentiate him without relying on 20/20 hindsight...
That's a lot of stuff to carry around in your head, Skull.

Nobody ever answered my did this guy get past the admissions committee? Doesn't make me want to send my child to a dorm.

or is that a naive question?

admissions committees are trying to assess intelligence and creativity, not eliminate the suicidally depressed... which is probably a good thing, otherwise every geek who was miserable in high school because they were too smart would never get into college...
I don´t think you have a snowballs chance in **** of stopping these kind of people before they "snap" without seriously violating the rights of a whole bunch of people that are "innocent"...

I´m pretty sure that keeping these kind of people out of college or work isn´t the kind of thing that will help either, it might change the location but not the bodycount...Besides, doing so will keep a lot of people out of the workforce that are perfect for some types of work (perhaps engineering, computer programming etc) where social skills aren´t really important...
I'll relate a story from personal experience. Years ago, I served on my medical school's committee to select new residents in neurosurgery. One applicant from an Ivy league medical school came with a rather odd recommendation from his said that during his surgery rotation there he had "almost always acted appropriately." Huh? What does that mean, I thought...he only choked a patient once?

I realized what it meant when I met the man for an interview...he was an uncontrolled schizophrenic. During the interview, he rambled in the classic "flight of ideas" way that schizophrenics do, about how he would cure cancer, how he talked to Jesus routinely, how he received diagnoses by microwave transmissions, etc. Remember, an Ivy league school had made him a doctor and was foisting him off on us as a potential surgicla resident. No doubt afraid of litigation, the only clue they would give anyone was he cryptic phrase in his reference letter.

The takehome message here is that we have become so non-judgemental, so tolerant of aberrant behaviors, so afraid of lawsuits, so afraid of looking "discriminatory", that we have become incapable of telling a psychotic who refuses to take medicine that he can't be a surgeon without doing it in some asinine way like saying he was "almost appropriate" in school.

The question in this case is why was a man who set fires in his room, stalked women on campus, was committed to a psych program, never spoke to his roommates in eight months (they didn't even know he spoke English), never acknowledged his teachers in class (in fact, often never went to class), wrote clearly psychotic poems in class, had one English teacher threaten to quit rather than teach him...why was he still in school, or better yet, how did he even get in? I doubt his performance in high school was nay better.

This isn't a gun issue, it's an issue of our pathetic approach to mental health issues.

If, instead of writing disturbing emails to women or torching his room, he had only lived off campus and hired a stripper...
In the same way as above, my medical school tried to kick a student out for inappropriately performing pelvic exams on women. He fought back with a lawyer, and was readmitted, and graduated with an M.D. The agreement between him and the school is that he will not enter a field where there is patient contact. I guess that leaves him with teaching basic sciences or doing pathology. Perhaps that also means that he can go into psychiatry?
Crazy biased moderation in the thread.

In a thread about a gun massacre you're banned from actually mentioning gun control ?!
Its not like he could have lined up 30 people and executed them with a screwdriver instead is it.
Other early thread in this post mentioning the fact that arming everyone seem ok but posting the opposite view isnt.
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