Uwatec SmartPro Review...reviewed...

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New Jersey
Just read an interesting post from Rodale board...this link/review of the Uwatec SmartPro does make me think as I try to decide between it and Suunto's Vytec.

As I understood the article, it essentially says that when the microbubble algo is chosen, the screen no longer shows no-deco time/depth but instead switches to "level stops"...the Uwatec's method of presenting suggested (not mandatory) stops to limit microbubbles.

The problem with this, the author suggests, is that the diver, without the no-deco time/depth info, no longer knows his current no-deco time/depth status and thus cannot "step ascend" to increase bottom time but still remain out of deco status.

An interesting "article". Would appreciate hearing other people's thoughts...particularly those that might actually have some experience with this new Uwatec computer.

Thanks for the post! Wow, good catch!

Sorry, don't have 'real world' experience with the Smart - but I have played with the demo and I've been reading the manual for the last 2 days. Like you, I've been weighing the Smart against the Vytec.

Checked the diagram out again... and yeah... it's easy to miss... but the reviewer makes an important point: once you enter the "level-stop phase" during a dive, "no-stop" info isn't displayed anymore. Hmm... doesn't sound ideal. It doesn't seem to be exactly dangerous though, just inconvenient (it is after-all a more conservative algorithm).

I'm not sure I understand this bit though:

"What the illustration does not show is how the diver using the Smart computer with bubble suppression enabled could possibly have known how much no-decompression time remained in order to decide when to begin an ascent..."

The computer tells you when to ascend, doesn't it?
Or am I being thick again?

I just added the SmartPro in as a back-up computer to my gear. I have been confused about the microbubble settings and did not understand really what the manual was trying to say. I have not tried it out yet, but will be doing some repetitive boat dives over the July 4th weekend and will be using it. I think after reading the review I will not be setting to anything other than L=0.
Thanks Duckdive and Seaangel, I'm glad you found the article interesting too.


[I'm not sure I understand this bit though:

"What the illustration does not show is how the diver using the Smart computer with bubble suppression enabled could possibly have known how much no-decompression time remained in order to decide when to begin an ascent..."

The computer tells you when to ascend, doesn't it?
Or am I being thick again?


...not thick at all. What I believe he is saying is that there are two divers 1 and 2. Diver 1 has no microbubble suppression (setting 0 ...if I recall = dashed line). Diver 2 does have MB (microbubbles) supression (setting 5 solid line on graph).

Diver 1 goes down and then goes straight up (for all but last dive where he then appears to do a short safety stop...result is MBs.

Diver 2 goes down...same bottom time as 1 but makes a step ascent.

The question the author asks is how would diver 2 know how to make this ascent pattern (which he believes to be a backing off of NDL )if set at level 5 bkz MB supression "disables" (sacrifices) NDL info for suggested *"level stop"* info (assuming not violated...in which case it "disengages" and resorts to setting 0...no MB supression).

It is also interesting to note that if diver 1's last dive was to max NDL, Diver 2 would not have been able to match his bottom time without violating his level 5 MB supression setting as this setting is far more conservative.

Hope this makes sense.

Cheers! :)
Originally posted by MacLeod
...not thick at all.
Actually I posted before I'd thunk it through (which is a bit thick). After some thought, I understood exactly what he means. I believe that you are saying the same thing, but it is difficult to explain. I'll also have a go, if I may:

On any MB level above 0, as your "no-stop time" approaches 0, you have 2 choices:

1. Ascend before "no-stop time" elapses

You are merely cutting BT short - there's nothing fancy about this and you've spent money on a "deep stop" model that's not being used.

2. Keep on divin', into the "level-stop phase"

Working from the example diagram:
Your computer now shows Levelstop -> 1min@20ft.

Now, you can still keep diving at the same depth for another 20 minutes, then do "level-stops" (looks like 1min@40ft, 2min@30ft, 3min@20ft, 4min@10ft), and still not incur a 'real' deco obligation. But you aren't shown that number! Without another reference, you can't tell if you can stay 12 minutes or 20 minutes, without the DECO symbol suddenly popping up.

Now I see why the author thinks this could be dangerous: divers may be tempted to guesstimate how much longer they can stay, and end up in unplanned deco :boom:.

Thanks again.

Based on that review it looks like Uwatec screwed the pooch on this one. I would expect they will revise the way this is done rather quickly and PROBABLY offer a retrofit to existing owners. They have a very solid reputation and will likely do what's right.

I have the new UWATEC Smart Com which is essentially the Smart Pro only with a hose. As far as the microbubble level stops are concerned the computer is still calculating the divers decompression data according to the manual on page 25. If a deco stop becomes manditory, a DECO symbol appears and if the level stop happens to correspond to a decompression stop then the "LEVELSTOP" symbol is replaced by a "DECOSTOP" symbol.

I love my Smart Com. The face is extremely easy to read, the numbers are big, and it doesn't matter how I hold it I can read it from all angles. My biggest concern is not getting out often enough so...........DIVE, DIVE, DIVE!!!

I highly recommend this unit and this IS NOT a paid advertisement.:)
Your post got me a bit worried: "If a deco stop becomes manditory, a DECO symbol appears" sounded a bit on the casual side. Forgive me if it wasn't, but it's hard to tell from the typing.

I really just wanted to make sure that you agree that 'sport' divers should hope to never see the DECO symbol - if they do, they are way out of their depth :wink:.

Don't get me wrong, the Smarts are excellent computers (IMHO), but until the display is 'fixed', safe use of "microbubble suppression" is questionable.

I have had a Smart Pro for about 3 months now, and I have put about 50 dives on it - about 35-38 of them being decompression dives. I normally do not use the MB settings(meaning I leave it at 0), but I do incorporate deep stops and the 50% rule. I made a couple dives with the Microbubble setting on 2, but I did not like the fact that it greatly pads my deco time(adds my deco time to the MB supression time). I prefer to know exactly what my deco time is, and I add conservatism in by myself in the form of deep stops and longer stops than required by the computer or tables. I do remember, however, that when I dove with the MB setting on it did give me the 2 minute NDL remaining warning even though it already showed 10 minutes or so of Level Stops. Overall, I like the Smart Pro. It is a great compliment to my Nitek 3, and I use the Smart Pro by itself when I am doing single gas diving.

Great to hear from somebody with real-world experience of this.

Originally posted by Aviatrr
computer or tables. I do remember, however, that when I dove with the MB setting on it did give me the 2 minute NDL remaining warning even though it already showed 10 minutes or so of Level Stops.

That would be more helpful!

Can you remember if it was just a beep or was there something flashed on the display?
Was the MB level reduced to 0 by that time, because you had ignored the levelstops?

I appreciate any info you can provide Mike. I was on the verge of buying one of these last week and was dissapointed to hear about this apparent flaw.

Thanks, Mark.

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