This is wonderful news! I'm always amazed by the number of divers in Colorado, given how far you guys are from what I would consider to be interesting diving. Now you'll have home-grown DIR instruction available. That's cool!
Actually CO has at least two DIR instructors.

I'm not familiar with the entire list of CO technical instructors, but isn't there another TDI instructor that teaches a DIRish class? I'm only familiar with three technical instructors in CO.
What does being a PADI rated facility have to do with not being able to teach UTD rec classes? Are they contracturally bound, and is that a valid contract? Seems a bit much to me.
I'd be interested in making the drive from Utah and taking rec classes. Sigh. Oh well..
Do keep us updated on the progress of the program, though. I remain interested.
To be a reconized "PADI Facility" you have to teach only PADI courses. It's gay, but that's one of the benefits of paying PADI to be listed as a facility.