Oh yeah, this is a big one and a LONG time coming.
We aren't the first team to dive it (that was five divers in 2012 from the UB88 team), but we are (AFAIK) the ONLY other team to dive the Moray since then. It is in tightly controlled and secured waters off Wilson Cove at San Clemente Island. You need to obtain special permission from the Navy to be in that area and to dive the wreck. You can't even transit the area without getting chased off.
Tyler Stalter and I were able to get the NHHC to sponsor us and obtain permission. The original trip was planned in Jan 2023 but permission got rescinded 48 hours before departure. We rescheduled with the Navy to July 11-13 and conducted five dives on the wreck on the Sundiver.
Below is a link to the full trip report which includes logistics, gear, dive team, and of course plenty of photos. As a bonus, we saw a couple of massive mola mola on the wreck and got photos & videos of them as well.
I will be publishing a separate post of the photogrammetry model which was the primary goal of the trip. The model contains 4,000 images and is absolutely epic. If you subscribe to the blog, you will get an update when it is published.
Here is a photo of the stern section:
- brett
We aren't the first team to dive it (that was five divers in 2012 from the UB88 team), but we are (AFAIK) the ONLY other team to dive the Moray since then. It is in tightly controlled and secured waters off Wilson Cove at San Clemente Island. You need to obtain special permission from the Navy to be in that area and to dive the wreck. You can't even transit the area without getting chased off.
Tyler Stalter and I were able to get the NHHC to sponsor us and obtain permission. The original trip was planned in Jan 2023 but permission got rescinded 48 hours before departure. We rescheduled with the Navy to July 11-13 and conducted five dives on the wreck on the Sundiver.
Below is a link to the full trip report which includes logistics, gear, dive team, and of course plenty of photos. As a bonus, we saw a couple of massive mola mola on the wreck and got photos & videos of them as well.
I will be publishing a separate post of the photogrammetry model which was the primary goal of the trip. The model contains 4,000 images and is absolutely epic. If you subscribe to the blog, you will get an update when it is published.

Trip Report : USS Moray Submarine (San Clemente Island — 190 fsw)
Intro / Background Hot on the heels of my Bikini Atoll trip, Tyler and I had a big adventure planned closer to home and this one was a long time in the making as well. A long time ago, I had read t…

Here is a photo of the stern section:
- brett