Using New Gear and Dive Report -- A

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I have a small stash of shock cord as well as surgical tubing if you need it - I'll never get through it - I think I got it from Reefscuba as well - they tossed in some extras, seem like good people.

I get stainless steel snaps from the local marine shop - Doc's up in Ballard has them for $2 ea. Better than the $6 ea. dive shop price...

I carry that stuff in my kit so if you need something just let me know when you see me -
BTW - we are putting together a dive for Saturday morning - slack is around 6:45 am - are you up for it? Either The park or cove 3.

I only have about 50 those stupid bungee hair tie things roaming around my truck & house. Even after I read your post it took me grabbing one of those things & stuffing my hair in it to recognize it as Bungee!!!! Gimme some zip ties & I'll be set! Maybe I could have held on to my fish count slate last weekend if I'd figured that out... (stop laughing Dane :wink:.


at $2.00 per are you POSITIVE those clips are stainless
(SOLID) rather than plated zinc or some crap metal that
will corrode in no time?

most of the SS clips I've ever seen, even at discount
places, were more $$$ than 2.

GM -
I'm starting to think you may be right - looks stainless, but the couple I got are looking like they are getting soem grey corrosion on them... hmm... I guess that price was too good to be true?!?!
How do I tell them apart in the store thoguh - I mean these thngs sure looked like the real thing...

Originally posted by WetDane

BTW - we are putting together a dive for Saturday morning - slack is around 6:45 am - are you up for it? Either The park or cove 3.


Hmmm... If it's cove three I can probably do it. I have to work on saturday, but that's probably early enough for me to squeeze in one dive.


Thanks for the offer on the shock cord! I need to evaluate my console placement.


well, cliche as it might sound you do sometimes get what you pay for, so $$$ is an indication.

you want 300 series stainless and the better clips etc
will usually have that stamped on the metal or it will be listed on the package.

buy from reefscuba, halcyon/extreme-exposure, etc and
you'll obtain quality gear.

keep in mind that if it is GOOD stainless and you treat it
well, it will last a lifetime (unless you lose it)

If you want to buy clips, hose clamps (instead of tie wraps) and other assorted accessories than get them from McMaster-Carr ( Buying this stuff from a scuba retailer is crazy.

Thanks LD,
5th D has stuff coming in today so I can pick up what I need when I get my tanks tonight...
Looks like their store prices are right there with these places - well - add sales tax...

Lemme see - going diving tomorrow moring, Saturday, anyone up for Sunday???


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