NWGratefulDiver:Jerry, I intentionally did not mention a store name because I don't think bashing stores on the Internet is a very good thing to do. Furthermore, I have friends who work for UWS ... the manager of their Federal Way store is one of the people I have more respect for than just about anyone I know who's associated with diving. And the people at their Edmonds store are a joy to deal with. I can't say that about every UWS location, store manager, or employee ... some are less knowledgeable than others, and many are just out to see how much gear they can sell. I can say that from having dealt with a lot of UWS employees.
That said, I have no interest in any particular store, and try to stay out of shop politics. But it's unrealistic to say that any chain of stores will have uniformly good service from all of its staff members, and UWS is no exception. The level of knowledge, customer service, and dedication to the customer's interests will vary from store to store, and from employee to employee. That's not to bash the business, it's simply to recognize something that applies to every business ... and becomes an increasing truism as a business increases in size and employs more people.
Salesmanship is great ... and believing in your product is great. But when people come here asking questions, they deserve balanced answers. And discussing personal experiences about a product is not bashing simply because it isn't what the manufacturer wants to hear.
... Bob (Grateful Diver)
You are correct. All I ask for is a balanced opinion. That is what is great about forums like this. As for shop bashing, when you say a chain store in the Northwest, we all know there is only one. And when you don't call out a particuliar store, you indemnify the entire chain. I agree with you about shop bashing and I hope that Manufacturer bashing can be monitored as well.