Used Scubapro or New HOG

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Reaction score
Gulf Coast, Alabama
# of dives
200 - 499
Hey folks, I'm looking to get a warm water rec setup. I've been lurking in the classified section for awhile waiting to find a good deal. I've had my eye on a listing for a scubapro x650 with mk20 and console with suunto vyper, compass, and pressure gauge for $350. This looks to be one of the non recalled versions.

I've also been looking at new HOG gear. Diver's Supply has a good deal on a HOG D3 1st, Zenith 2nd, Edge Escape octo, and slimline console. I already have a Suunto gekko that I can use so I would probably just get a compass and pressure gauge in my console. Price comes to around $450-$500

So with the Scubapro I get top of the line name brand with a pretty decent computer for a good price, BUT I will have to service and buy an octo before use. Also, I would have to redo hoses to get the setup I want.

With the HOG setup I get brand new equipment w/ warranty and custom length miflex hoses to my specs. On the downside, it will be harder for me to get serviced, and I'll have the older gekko computer.

What does everyone else think!? Thanks! :wookie:
Hey folks, I'm looking to get a warm water rec setup. I've been lurking in the classified section for awhile waiting to find a good deal. I've had my eye on a listing for a scubapro x650 with mk20 and console with suunto vyper, compass, and pressure gauge for $350. This looks to be one of the non recalled versions.

I've also been looking at new HOG gear. Diver's Supply has a good deal on a HOG D3 1st, Zenith 2nd, Edge Escape octo, and slimline console. I already have a Suunto gekko that I can use so I would probably just get a compass and pressure gauge in my console. Price comes to around $450-$500

So with the Scubapro I get top of the line name brand with a pretty decent computer for a good price, BUT I will have to service and buy an octo before use. Also, I would have to redo hoses to get the setup I want.

With the HOG setup I get brand new equipment w/ warranty and custom length miflex hoses to my specs. On the downside, it will be harder for me to get serviced, and I'll have the older gekko computer.

What does everyone else think!? Thanks! :wookie:

I tend to be a strong proponent of used regulators as a way of obtaining high performance at favorable prices. But an X650 is probably a bad idea as it is a somewhat unique and not very popular design from Scubapro. When they stop supporting it (and they will) you will be SOL. The Mk20 is a high performance, very popular regulator but it also is a unique Scubapro design that may become obsolete over time when Scubapro decides you will need to buy something else.

I would look for something older and better or go with the new HOG. I'm failrly sure all the soft service parts are standard and have aftermarket sources.
what he said, in this case you said Hog will be harder to service, but learn to service it yourself. It's cheap to learn and save money over the course of the gears life.
Go with the HOG. Once you add the price plus rebuild and new hoses you are at the same price as the HOG. I agree with AWAP that the X-650 was not one of Scubapro's most successful designs.
I don't like the X650 either, but I really doubt that support and parts for the MK20 will be a problem in the foreseeable future. SP has decades of MK25s out there, it's by far their flagship product, and all those parts fit a MK20.

To the OP, I would not buy that particular SP set up, but maybe keep looking for a MK20/G250 at a good price. That's a very safe bet for service and performance. I have heard that HOG has recently raised their prices quite a bit so they may no longer be the great deal they once were. I really don't know, I already have too many old regulators and I would never buy a new one, so I don't keep up with current prices.
I don't like the X650 either, but I really doubt that support and parts for the MK20 will be a problem in the foreseeable future. SP has decades of MK25s out there, it's by far their flagship product, and all those parts fit a MK20.

To the OP, I would not buy that particular SP set up, but maybe keep looking for a MK20/G250 at a good price. That's a very safe bet for service and performance. I have heard that HOG has recently raised their prices quite a bit so they may no longer be the great deal they once were. I really don't know, I already have too many old regulators and I would never buy a new one, so I don't keep up with current prices.

OK, my comment on the Mk20 is a matter of perspective. I set my granddaughter up with a Mk5/BA/ADJ and I expect to set my great grandson up with a similar setup some day. Scubapro no longer supports these reg (or the support is spotty at best) with hard parts although service kits are still available. Much of that is because all the service kit components are available from aftermarket suppliers including the standard LP seats used by many manufacturers. Scubapro could not kill those regs if they tried. Not so with the Mk20/25. First, there is a unique seat which is only available from Scubapro. This is a similar situation as with the popular but uniquely designed D-series which Scubapro has stopped supporting. Thankfully, those unique LP seats seemed to have a large stash for the DIYers, but it would be difficult to find a shop to service it. And the Mk20/25 has a built-in durability flaw that may take 20 years to materialize but it will fail as surely as any o-ring will fail eventually. The inside of that composite piston is sealed with an o-ring that Scubapro treats as non-servicable. So, unless you find someone who can rebuild that piston, the failure of an o-ring will eventually make the Mk20/25 a great paperweight. I expect my great grandson will still be able to dive his Mk5/BA/ADJ when that happens.
I forgot about the internal piston o-ring, but don't forget that there are many thousands of MK20/25s around, I really think it could be 25-30 years before SP stops supplying rebuild kits even if they discontinued the model tomorrow. I also think somebody would start making seats for the MK25 if that happened.

The D series is a different animal because it really was a unique design, nobody ever copied it, whereas the MK25 is pretty much an iconic regulator, for better or worse.

Of course I'm with you on the MK5/10 as you know, but I would not be worried about serviceability for the long haul if I had a MK20/25.
I agree with Halocline on this. With the numbers of MK-20/25s out there I would expect that if SP stopped providing parts that someone would provide them as they do with the MK-5/10. As far as the piston goes, once the MK-25 is discontinued I would just purchase a spare before the stock disappears.

However, the MK-25 could be on the way out. From what I have read the MK-21 uses a different piston than the MK-25 so it is possible Scubapro could just add a turret to it and have a MK-25 replacement.

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