uploading videos to website designed with FP

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I created a video slide show with some of my pictures and wanted to upload it to our website. I am following the instructions and when I add the video all I get on the page is a little box, didn't know any better and thought that that is the way it is supposed to be. But now when I go to preview page I still just have the little box where the instructions say I should have the video. What am I doing wrong?
Assuming FP is FrontPage, I'm guessing that the problem is that your "video" is actually an HTML document with links to the images embedded in it. If you're just previewing on your computer, the images probably have to be in the same directory as the html file. If that's the case, you'll have to upload all the images as well to your website for it to work there.

Other ways to do this:

Make an animated gif set of the images and upload that. There are free programs on the web that will allow you to do that. The resulting file will be in .gif format which is a web format. However the conversion to .gifs may result in quality loss. I do this on one of my client's sites, www.benoraimaging.com if you want to see an example.

Or if you have access to a video editing program like Premiere Elements or Sony Vegas, import the stills, sequence them and save them as either a .wmv file or .mov(if you want mac compatibility) file and upload and link to that file on your website.

Frontpage has some weird non-standard quirks, that's why most designers don't use it. You also want to validate any FP code on a Mac(for the 3% of those who are non-PC)

Without knowing what you've done, it's hard to guess what's wrong. If you want, upload it and post a link to the page here so I can look at your code.
Thanks Steve. It will take a bit, but I'll send you the link once it is uploaded.

Is there a maximum size allowed?
What kind of video file is it?

Are you uploading it to your own site via FTP? Or is it a free site, with upload capabilities, like the SB photo gallery?
It is an .mpeg file

I am trying to upload it to my log on our Oahu Scuba Divers website.
It is an .mpeg file

I am trying to upload it to my log on our Oahu Scuba Divers website.
So - you own this site right? You are trying to FTP it up, or you've already uploaded it, but it doesn't work?

The file works on your computer right?

You may just have to change the links, since FP uses local links from your local computer. If it's on the server, you'll have to make sure that the location of the file is correct.
yes it is our site

I'm not getting past the design phase....the video works on my computer, but when I insert it into the page it won't appear as it should. I just get the little box with the square, cone and circle in it...on both the design and the preview page.
yes it is our site

I'm not getting past the design phase....the video works on my computer, but when I insert it into the page it won't appear as it should. I just get the little box with the square, cone and circle in it...on both the design and the preview page.
What is the URL of the file? It should be something like.

OK, I uploaded it this is the page


This is the file

http://www.oahuscubadivers.com/today/2006/032006/03-25-2006/movie/Day on the USS Hopper2.mpg

The file is HUGE....that might be part of the problem...what would you say is the maximum?
If I click on the file, it shows me the video... so your link is good. I don't know about embedding the MPEG, which is what you're trying to do (I think).

The presentation/slide show with music opens just fine when I click on the file name... so really, you've uploaded it just fine. You may just ask some web page experts now about embedding mpegs within a document... which is I think what you're trying to accomplish?

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