Updates From Baghdad....

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That goes the same for diving, moderation and not to push one self to quickly. I think in the beginning I had pretty much was speeding through qualifications. I look at it now, and I kinda acted like they were merit badges in the scouts.
LOL. it amazes me how having spent the last period of time where you are makes you so reflective. Nothing like the chance of being hurt to put things in perspective........Slow down, enjoy.......
There are alot of things I enjoy especially when I get up in the morning. Seeing the sunrise isn't the greatest thing in the world. At least we know we made it through one day and starting a new one, one day closer to home. The nights here are kinda chilly right now but, soon we will be walking into summer where the temps will soar up in the 100's again.
Yeah, I reflect upon things that I have done and what I have failed to do. In fact this Christmas, I reached to my two boys who live with thier mother. I sent them a Christmas Card seeing if they would get it. Needless to say it was "return to sender". I have no ill feelings to thier mother and never will, I understand that is her way of dealing with our divorce. In time karma will make things right.
Never shut the door.....Just when you think you might never make contact with them, they will waltz back into your life....
Well, this IS your corner of the board....but there are some lurkers following you about. I'm continually amazed at the bonds and connections that are formed here and on other boards. I've seen and wondered, over the months, about the concerns of those on here who've worried during the long absences when you couldn't make contact.

You say you've reflected on those things you've done and those you have failed to do. Don't be too hard on yourself--we do the best we can in any given set of circumstances. My brother went through what you're going through/gone through and yes, Karma does have a way of evening out the playing field. Be patient. As Cheddarchisk says, never shut the door.

Despite never having met/chatted/corresponded with you, I'm gratified to see you're safe. Good journeys, Squalus.
I guess it was two days ago an unfortunate incident happened that really bothered me. Yes, I cannot post it here on the board only a select few know what I am talking about. It has had a profound impact on how I view the Army now and maybe, I might just put in my paperwork instead of waiting after my Ft. Rucker assignment. All I can say is that there are those that serve with compassion to thier fellow soldiers and then there are those who could care less.
Joe you have a package on its way.
Hmm, not going to say much on here but I think i know the feeling. Look for an email
sent you an email hagan, not much going on today. Just packing stuff up and inventory of all our equipment.....yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
oh yes those are some fun days. minus haveing to deal with customs, think they make it asa painful as they can just because they dont have to do any of the work. "oh you missed a piece of dirt there, that needs to be recleaned". :shakehead:

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