Unwanted link

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Reaction score
Portland, Oregon
# of dives
200 - 499
Yesterday I posted a reply to a thread about Zeagle BCs on the Equipment > BCs board. I mentioned that Zephryhills, Florida is Zeagle's "homebase." After I posted the thread, I noticed that "homebase" was now a link, colored in blue and underlined, as if I had gone through the process of posting a link. I clicked on it and sure enough, up popped a website for Homebase. So I went back and changed "homebase" to "home town" and got rid of the link. I've never had something like that happen before, so I thought I would report it. Weird, huh.
This is just getting stranger and stranger.

First, I typed the post above.

Then I go to preview the post and see that once again "homebase" is a link, blue in color and underlined, but as I had forgotten yesterday it doesn't have the "url.http" stuff around it.

"Homebase," however is not a link.

When I click on "homebase," I can see my screen is being directed from "go.skimwords.com" onto the Homebase website.

And I typed the above post in several paragraphs but for whatever reason when I previewed and posted it the post was only one paragraphs. I'm typing this post in seven paragraphs so if it's in one big paragraph then it happened again.

Edit: I see this time the paragraphs in this post weren't messed with. The only thing I think I did differently was not preview this post.

(Cue Twilight Zone music) Do do do do, do do do do...
If you hover over it, it will say "Link added by skimwords" or something like that.

It is a piece of software that adds quicklinks to text -- sometimes correctly, sometimes not -- and the hosting organization is paid in some manner.

You might have noticed that some people are adding the phrase (link added by me) so as to differentiate between auto links and what the author meant to add.
Yesterday I posted a reply to a thread about Zeagle BCs on the Equipment > BCs board. I mentioned that Zephryhills, Florida is Zeagle's "." After I posted the thread, I noticed that "homebase" was now a link, colored in blue and underlined, as if I had gone through the process of posting a link. I clicked on it and sure enough, up popped a website for Homebase. So I went back and changed "homebase" to "home town" and got rid of the link. I've never had something like that happen before, so I thought I would report it. Weird, huh.

Explanation: http://www.scubaboard.com/forums/site-support/367770-random-links-being-applied-text.html
I bet they can be removed on edit.

Test: homebase
Oh, I missed that.

Thanks for the info.

DD: how did you edit out the link?

Test: homebase

Hmm. This time it's not a link and yet I didn't do anything differently.

Not liking this skimwords thing.
Well, I put that word in via editing but let me try it again in the original post, then edit it out...

Test 2: homebase

Odd didn't hyperlink this time.

Well, when you do get a hyperlink, try removing it in edit.

From CD's link

Pete had nothing to do with this. I and I alone did this. I've disabled the auto links... Excuse me for trying to monetize ScubaBoard's activity to pay the bills.

There is nothing else to say about this.

Apparently the auto links have been re-enabled. :idk:

Could there actually be something else to say?
Let me try another one that I've seen auto-hyperlink...

Test 3: Expedia

[-]Nope. Looks like they stopped.[/-] Oh, I guess they were delayed. And no I don't see a way to disable it in edit?

Edit test: Expedia

Redit: attempts to disable it on edit failed, but adding it on edit does not link. :confused:
Last edited:

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