ERIC.K:I felt it might havebeen rather risky, never seen it before, however it did run rather smoothly, it just felt that if this diver was that mich of an air hog, him breathing from anothers tank felt like you were borrowing from peter to pay paul.
Air sharing is adding quite a bit of additional risk and any time air sharing is required the dive should be aborted. What happens if you experience a free flow at depth? Your buddy may already be low on air (not OOA) and as you work through the problem it would be quite easy to bleed a tank dry on an AL80 while now sharing his air.
A better idea for the is to sling an additional AL80, and use it to breath off of that first, then switch to your back gas when down to 1000 PSI. This is not a technical dive but more planning gas requirements for the dive and a little more attention to your NDL limits since having additional gas will usually make NDL limits the limiting factor in the dive instead of gas requirements.
Plan your Dive and Dive your Plan