Joshua Pritchard
Today I spent a few minutes with a hammerhead shark.
Hammerheads are A@#$holes i do most of my diving off the coast of WA and i see a fair few of them they are really cool.. but of all the shark i see HH are the most likely one s to be labeled pricks by me ... not because they are aggressive or unpredictable but because they keep bloody sneaking up on me.
so my 3 most interesting/unusual HH incidents
- i was waiting for my buddy to finish looking at something in a bit of a hole in the reef... and just floating about a meter above the lower part of a reef. said buddy who is very new to diving pulled back and turned to find me and then looked to have a brief panic moment that confused me for a minute till he started frantically pointing at something, wondering what was going on i turned and there were two HH slowly swimming toward me in some really graceful shallow turns.. they got to within about 2 meters of me and then turned to the right and charged off away from us. (that was his first shark encounter)
- Diving around the same island this time on the north side and there is a huge short hole in the reef probably about 3 meters across almost perfactly round and only about 2 meters thick (this is as close as im likely to get to cave diving ) just as i swam through a shadow passed over me and i looked up to see a HH swim over me
- this time a different Dive location a little up the coast and i had been following a cuttlefish for about 5 min .. budy and i turned about started heading back to the boat as had just gotten to the turn point of the dive when i felt a bit of side surge which was weird cause there was nearly no current that day ... then i felt something hit me in the back part of my shoulder and the reg hose as well cause it damn near pushed the reg out f my mouth. thinking my buddy was trying to get my attn or had just finned my hose i looked over and saw a HH swimming away with these huge tail flicks and buddy not in that direction (turns out the buddy was on the other side of me and about 3 meters behind) buddy tells me the HH swam past me then wacked me in the side with his tail