If we never push ourselves past our personal limits we won't get anywhere. We have all had to do it at one point or another and no matter what anyone says we really don't know if we are ready until we actually try. The thing to think about is how big is that step going to be when we take it.
With all your stated experience you should have picked up on a few things that have already been said a few times. Sounds to me that the Mrs had lots of air for going up the line from 85'. When the DM took her away from the line where was she headed, maybe she was planning on doing half max depth for 1 minute before the safety stop and just didn't want to hang at the line. Why not watch your depth and time and swim around and enjoy the dive, it's much more interesting that way. Maybe she was actually planing on heading up very slowly while looking around? What was the Mrs remaining psi when you got back on the boat? If you are as experienced as you say you should have this written down some where, if not you then your wife certainly should. 600 psi remaining when you are on the line and heading up from a no deco dive is not cause for alarm, you should know this with your experience.
I would look at this as a learning experience for both of you. Next time you'll think more about the dive and it's requirements and probably be even better divers for it.
Dive safe

With all your stated experience you should have picked up on a few things that have already been said a few times. Sounds to me that the Mrs had lots of air for going up the line from 85'. When the DM took her away from the line where was she headed, maybe she was planning on doing half max depth for 1 minute before the safety stop and just didn't want to hang at the line. Why not watch your depth and time and swim around and enjoy the dive, it's much more interesting that way. Maybe she was actually planing on heading up very slowly while looking around? What was the Mrs remaining psi when you got back on the boat? If you are as experienced as you say you should have this written down some where, if not you then your wife certainly should. 600 psi remaining when you are on the line and heading up from a no deco dive is not cause for alarm, you should know this with your experience.
I would look at this as a learning experience for both of you. Next time you'll think more about the dive and it's requirements and probably be even better divers for it.
Dive safe