UNO results are in!!

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Can we get a sequence of play to get a feel for how the game is to be conducted. Does everyone get their own ring and have to keep opening it to add cards?
You play it just like you play normal UNO, Go Fish, or whatever, which means there's a lot of opening and closing going on.

We ended up using the two-pound weight as a card-holder when we played. You'd set the rest of your hand under the weight to draw or discard, which meant you didn't have to clip and unclip as often.

Okay, with the checker/connect-four piece oval background (to make it look more logo-ish), and again, in completely garish not-to-be-used colors:


Basically, the logo concept is the international and classical American dive flags, plus a playing card and an UNO card, all on an oval background (which, together with the playing card, symbolizes our diversity of games), with the name at the bottom. Obviously, someone else can draw a lot better than I can mock up, but I would strongly suggest drawing and not using scans of cards (especially UNO cards) as it'll look cleaner drawn, and it'll be non-infringing (hate to be cease-and-desisted and have to stop posting the logo, after all).

Incidentally, let's replace the "Semi-" with "Somewhat"... it sounds better that way. Concur?

International Somewhat Organized ScubUNO Association of Divers
Can we get a sequence of play to get a feel for how the game is to be conducted. Does everyone get their own ring and have to keep opening it to add cards?

Trucker Girl and I used a 2 inch (maybe 1 1/2 inch) binder ring for the big stacks, and a 1 inch ring for the individual hands.

Yes... there is a lot of opening and closing going on, but after a few turns, it goes pretty quickly. And... in the individual hands, sometimes I even pushed the ends of the ring close together, but didn't latch it, so it goes quickly, and you'll figure out the little tricks. :wink:
Let's give a BIG round of applause to ClayJar, for coming up with the first draft idea of a logo!

All hail High Uno of the Draw Four and Master of the Skip! (Bubble, bubble, bubble :D )
I'm at work right now... and they don't have a program on the computer that I can "tinker with" for a logo right now.

Clay... you whipped that up pretty fast!! I'm impressed. Can I give some ideas too... just for pondering, or you can apply them and see how it looks. :)

Can you apply some more "realistic" colors for the logo (except the dive flags of course)?

On the playing cards, in addition to the small "corner" characters... can there be a "portion" of a larger middle character showing? (Does that make sense...

What about putting the dive flags across the bottom... like a straight line, then have some playing cards "spread" above them (like they are now... except the dive flags across the bottom)?
I would think colors are appropriate.
Red Dive Flag
Green and Yellow for Nitrox
Blue/Whitefor Alpha flag
Oh.... duh.. I didn't even think of green and yellow for nitrox... maybe cause I don't dive it... but you're right, it would work for that.

Maybe a different background color?? Or make the background white, and outline the cards thinly in black... make the oval black, and move the "ISOSAD" up just a bit to fit inside the oval... then, technically, we wouldn't need the rectangle background, everything would be in the oval. :wink: I dunno... just a thought.

I'll be off work in 45 minutes and can tinker with the design once I get home too.

Clay... you're awesome though!! Very quick, and such good ideas!
Okay, the colors are not ones I chose because I thought they were good (except the dive flag and international alpha, of course). I just needed contrasting colors to show the concept. I figured the artists would take care of the real thing. :wink:

The rectangle background will not exist in the final logo. It'll be transparent (on screen) or not printed (on things). The "ISOSAD" will slightly break the oval, as roughly pictured. That's a design element that actually adds quite a bit to the logo (having it all in the oval is confined and stagnant; having the name breaking through both draws the eyes to it and adds a dynamic that would otherwise be lacking).

Basically, the oval needs to have a slight "rim" (or "pizza crust") to it so it isn't flat and drab, the cards need rounded corners (to make them more card-like and less rectangulish), the complete portions of the visible faces of the cards need to be drawn (I'd recommend the classic "ace of spades" for the playing card, and how about a "wild draw four" for the UNO card?), and the ISOSAD needs to be properly embellished (but very slightly, as text embellished too much loses its punch).

That still leaves the coloration... The nitrox colors were accidental, but including them seems like a good idea now, but what colors to use where is still up in the air. The oval had better not stay that garish color! :D

It would be a good idea to pay attention to luminosity when applying the color scheme, as that will be the primary determinant of legibility when printed in black and white or photocopied.

Incidentally, I suppose I've now volunteered to vectorize the final art, eh? Not a problem, I guess. (The final's got to be in vector form, as raster graphics don't scale well.) Does anyone know any artist-type people? J.'s little sister can probably sketch it out for me to vectorize, I guess, if nobody else is handy.

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