\Windwalker: i used only jetfins for years...tried other fins but these were just variations of the same. I always felt, from the first day i strapped on a set of diving fins and felt the concrete block like drag on my feet...that something was wrong with the design. There had to be a better way. I was a national level competition swimmer and triathalon athlete as a teen, i had some strong ideas and desire to swim underwater fast and far.
Then to make a long story short, the guy who runs the police dive team, and is an ex Canadian 1st Airborne Combat Diver...lent me a pair. A little while late he asked me how i liked them...i said i felt like i had nothing on my feet and i would have to try them more. Before i got to try them again however, i went on some dives with this guy and a few of his partners...ive always been the fastest underwater swimmers ive known, its something i practice......but swimming with these guys i could barely keep up! (which has never happened before) And i sucked air like banshee trying. They shot along in front of me with these girly kicks.....and i could not keep up nor could i catch them if they tried to leave me behind.
Anyway, so i borrowed his pair again and gave them a good try. I realized i had to ditch everything i knew about finning, and instead just swim. It was a revelation, these fins are what ive been waiting for right from the beginning. You can swim at what is the top speed for other fins, but not only with little effort, but the type of kick you do with forcefins is not only easy, it is so natural its fun. Once you learn how to use them, there is just no comparison. I disagree with people (without disrespect) who say that these fins are not for everyone.
Based on what i see as emphirical evidence...not taste or personal proclivities...force fins are not just better than other fins, but they make other fin types obsolete for underwater distance. There is no comparison in effectiveness. Distances that before it would make sense to ascend and get in the boat or walk to the spot...can now be covered underwater with comfort and no more practical effort than walking. I havnt tried the new split fin types...but i see them as a reaction from other manufacterers to try and find a design that can match what you can get from force fins. But i think the they are missing the point...the whole elongated leaf of the regular fin is nothing but drag....the small ducklike profile of the force fin is all you need for thrust...the rest just drags water and adds nothing.
My favorite dive is just a block from my home...it is a series of stepped walls that go from 10 meters down to 54 meters and run over a kilometer and a half (a mile) parallel to the shore. I can swim that kilometer & 1/2 underwater as easy as i can walk it on the beach...and then back if i want, i always have the air. People with conventinal fins cant...and if they did, they wouldnt do it again voluntarily, regular fins dont serve that purpose.
Listen to what people say...they will tell you they can cover distance with a speed and a ease they never could before. Others call them liars and exaggeraters..... It blows my mind! Why do these people think people would lie for the sake of these stupid looking fins? This wouldnt happen if force fins looked macho and killer wicked...but anyway.....its not about fashion....its about what works, and works so well it blows your mind. You owe to yourself to try a pair...but you have to go on more than one dive, especially if youve adapted well to conventional fins. You have to give up all that muscle endurance you used, the conditioning of the quadricep femoris and calf bicep to maintain any distance. You dont need that, the force fin kick is a girly kick...its a easy flutter with no drag...it takes no effort and is actually kind of fun. But you cruise distance underwater like no other fin...If you can get over the difference and adapt to the fin...you will have something you cant get with any other fin....easy distance swimming...itll change the what you do on a recreational dive.