Beats me. I don't have one.
Frankly, I doubt it. I don't think many people who are not on this thread have given it a lot of thought. I sure haven't. I have never in my life warn anything like the amount of weight some of you are talking about, and I have dived in 7mm farmer john's and drysuits with extra heavy undergarments in Puget Sound. It's been a long time since I used a BCD with integrated weight pockets for my own diving, and when was in cold water with more than the usual weight, I did indeed distribute that weight between different locations. That was mostly because my integrated weight pockets did not hold a whole lot of weight.
I also distribute weight for the same of trim. For example, my single tank wing has pockets on the cam bands, meaning that I will have much of my weight distributed along the tank. When I need more, I have choices, including putting some on the waist strap or using a weight belt. I can also choose between using a stainless steel backplate or an aluminum backplate, depending upon my weighting needs. With a single tank, I generally choose SS. With double AL 80s. I still use SS. With my Worthington steel doubles, I use aluminum.
My point is that there are lots of ways of distributing weight, and you do not want to write standards that exclude a legitimate strategy.
There is also another problem with putting recommendations in the Guide to Teaching. Many people cannot tell the difference between a recommendation and a standard. If you go back a decade on ScubaBoard and dig out all the maddening, enraged debates on neutral buoyancy teaching, you will find what must have been hundreds of posts by DevonDiver in which he tried to convince everyone that any instructor who did what we suggested in our neutral buoyancy article (an article co-written by a top level PADI staff member and published in their professional journal) would be expelled by PADI for violating standards. He kept quoting the Guide to Teaching, and we kept responding with quotations from PADI leaders saying that the Guide to Teaching has suggestions, and suggestions are not standards. Nothing in the standards indicated a problem with teaching neutrally and in horizontal trim from the very beginning of class, but because there were suggestions in the Guide to Teaching that had divers on the knees, DevonDiver insisted over and over and over and over and over and over that doing otherwise would get you expelled.