Inshore work is great, there can be big money in it, I mean nothin like sat or anythig, but you can roll wit the offshore air divers, thing is that you usually wont make the same hours as they do but they are on a offshore rig.
Anyways inland honestly your looking at a range anywhere from 15 - 75 or so an hour, the most I made was 125 a hour but that was a sweet lil overtime weekend gig on a union job.
Now those lower pay scales are gonn be for non union companies, unless your working as a highly specialized diver such as Nuke work or HazMat ****. You can get into good paying non union gigs doing that stuff. As for the U/W Construction and inspection game, then your best off trying for a union. It depends on where you live because diffrent juristctions have diffrent unions reprisenting divers. so It might have nothing to do with the dockworkers. Your gonna have to do a lil reserch.
As a union lad your looking in the price range anywhere from 35-75 wet pay, now this depends on a couple things as well, your union and your senoirity, if you been in the union and diving longer then your gonna get rases alog the way.
If you wanna make a career as an inshore diver then a union is a good way to go, now it takes some time usually to get into it especially these days where the work is tight. If there was lots of work they migt open a few union spots but at the moment thats just not the case.
Or you can freelace yourself out to companies as well, that might work, I know a few divers, that do that and they wont work for less then 700 a day minimum, but let me tell you one thing about these guys before you set yourself on that idea, they have boxes full of used up log books at home we are talking well over several thousand dives here and certification books thicker then some phone books, so these are real big dick swinging dudes here.
If your thinking between lineman and diver I suggest lineman, diving has a 90 percent washout rate and there is a reason for it, only the strong and "****ed in the head" survive. If your wating to just get into it for the money then again become a lineman becuase in diving there is none, we like to joke if you wanna have a million dollars ComDiving start with 2

The boys on are alright they just can smell a scoobydoo diver a mile away cause they all ask the same question, they are just a hard ol offshore bunch