Within the UTD curriculum we understand that there are different levels of divers, as well as different levels of instruction. To teach a class where the instructor gratifies him/herself by stealing equipment and making that the focus of the class, especially when all the student can think about is, how does the back kick work? is useless, to say the least.
Destroying the students’ confidence is not the focus of UTD’s Essentials or Intro To Tech courses. The purpose of these classes, are to bring the already certified diver into the world of UTD/DIR diving, and what we feel are essential skills that every certified diver should know and utilize. Unfortunately, many divers are lacking in these areas… hence the success of the UTD Essentials, Intro to tech and other Fundamental classes.
DIR in 2009 does not begin with the premise of everyone sucks, this is why…. The UTD program illustrates a clear, understandable and most importantly… attainable goal for all divers to achieve.
Stealing a students’ mask, in order to make the instructor feel cool, does no service to a developing diver. Nor does it benefit the awareness and understanding of the instructor, especially at the higher levels that UTD builds in our Instructor Development Course.
To a student, the stealing of a mask, failing of valves or calling an air share… are just a bunch of things your instructor does to mess with you; however as a UTD instructor there is a place and a purpose for everything. A mask is never removed for amusement, it is taken to force a decision in the dive team, and an out of air is never called haphazardly. It is called for a very specific, very discussable, very understandable reason that everyone can learn from in the video debriefs that follow the UTD dives.
Critical skill classes, like those involving air shares/failures such as Rec 3, Tech, Overheard, etc, are different than skill development classes like Essentials and Intro… for very specific reasons.