I have a Weezel Extreme, my husband has DUI Thinsulate 400. Here is why I like my Weezel:
- my Weezel packs small and light, the Thinsulate is big, bulky and does not compress
- the wicking ability of the Weezel keeps me dry, so I am very comfortable getting out of my suit in any temperature, my husband is often damp due to sweat
- with my dry suit and Weezel I need much less weight than my husband with his dry suit and Thinsulate. when we were diving with wet suits it was the over way around (the Thinsulate traps a lot of air, the Weezel doesn't)
- if the sleeves are little long, the Weezel will easily push up to avoid the wrist seals. the Thinsulate sleeves don't push up as well and it is a struggle to keep them out of the wrist seals.
On the down side, with the Weezel I do need to add more air at depth to keep warm. So I have to keep a better watch on my buoyancy.
I've never had a problem with catching the Weezel in the dry suit zipper. I have a front entry Whites and it may be a little different from the person that had the problem.
Bottom line, I am very comfortable in my Weezel. My husband isn't as happy with his thinsulate.
hope this helps, jackie