From the NOAA Dive Manual, 1991, 3rd Edition, page 14-31:
"To shorten the necessary surface interval before flying,
oxygen may be breathed instead of air. Table 14-13 lists for the various Repetitive Dive Group classifications,the length of oxygen breathing time necessary before flying is allowed."
For comparison, if
air is breathed, Table 9-6 from the US Navy Dive Manual Rev 7A, the required surface interval before ascent to altitude gives Groups A-C as requieding 0:00 before flying (8000 ft); Group D is 1:45; Group E is 4:39, Group F is 7:06; Group G is 9:13; Groupo H is 11:04,; Group is 12:44; Group J is 14:13; Group K is 15:35; Group L is 16:50; Group M is 18:00; Group N is 19:04; Group O is 20:05; and Group Z is 21:01. This suggests a massive decrease in wait-time-before-flying if one breaths pure oxygen during the wait time.
Here is why you should NOT use these numbers:
1) NOAA has taken table 14-3 out of its dive manual, which is now in its 6th edition; the 3rd edition was the last appearance of Table 14-3, shown above.
2) Not all talbe use the same repetitive groups, so (for example) you cannot say your are in group G from a PADI RDP, and then use the Navy or NOAA tables; Group G means very different things.
3) If you are using a computer, you don't get any repetitive group labels anyway, so you can't trasnfer you computer into to ANY tables.