Undercurrent--"Why Divers Die"

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I suspect that means all the smalls got sold and all the 3X sizes didn't ...
Nope. In mens sizes most of the shops didn't regularly stock anything smaller than a large. Anything smaller and it was special order. On the other end of the spectrum they all seemed to have a nice selection of 3XL wetsuits.

Ive been skydiving. I needed to sign the paper saying that "I know Im insane to wish to jump out of a fully functional airplane, but i dong give a rats ***", plus I needed to pass a medical.
For my OW certification (PADI) I needed to fill in and sign, a medical declaration. It was a bunch of questions like "Have you ever had ceicures?", "Do you have any mental conditions" and so on.. The idea here is that if you answer "yes" to any of the questions, you need to go get a medical examination before allowed to get certied.
Of course, you have the option to lie and make sure you dont check anything that make you have to go get a medical, but you sign that paper and it says that you have answered truthfully to all the questions. Alas, if you dont fill that form properly, you have lied and conciously put yourself in danger.
I'm a big guy but in very good health for my age.

I hear this all the time. What are you all basing this "I am in very good health, on?"

because I work out pretty regularly and am not overweight, and I feel that I could have a heart attack any time.....just being realistic with the numbers.

So...for heavy people talking about how fit they are, it sounds kinda like wishful thinking, to me. Maybe it just has not happened yet? I think it is safer to assume that you aren't all that healthy if you are very overweight. I hope you are, but unless you have had some very extensive work-ups, you probably are just guessing.
cowering away from anyone who isn't svelte and tan

and what's wrong with that?
I love statistics.
5 out 4 people have trouble with fractions.
Statistics, statistics? What the heck is wrong with common sense. Why do you guys try to change the real world to meet your warped idea of reasonable.

The numbers don't have feelings and they don't care what they show. The numbers are the numbers and no one has tried to change them for personal gain in this instance. Accept reality, it is quite liberating.
I'll bet 80-90 percent of those deaths were in folks over 20 years of age. Obviously being over 20 is a risk factor for diving as well...I'll bet a majority of them had one drink of alcohol within 24 hours of diving..obviously this is a risk factor as well. I'll also bet most of them drove cars...gee another risk factor!


Actually Mike, the car ride to the dive site is usually MUCH riskier than the diving...:D
I hear this all the time. What are you all basing this "I am in very good health, on?"

because I work out pretty regularly and am not overweight, and I feel that I could have a heart attack any time.....just being realistic with the numbers.

So...for heavy people talking about how fit they are, it sounds kinda like wishful thinking, to me. Maybe it just has not happened yet? I think it is safer to assume that you aren't all that healthy if you are very overweight. I hope you are, but unless you have had some very extensive work-ups, you probably are just guessing.

I think you are referring to my post???

When I surface swim to the wreck of the Valiant with a group, I'm usually the first one there and am not winded. This weekend the anchor slipped and I had a very long surface swim trying to catch up with the drifting boat until they live boated back to pick me up. No huffing and puffing.

When I was stress tested for any possible heart problems, I broke a record set by two Marines from Camp Pendleton in taking the longest time to bring my heart up to required heart beat rate for the test.

I am almost 240, and yes there is a protrusion where the 6 pack should be. I could lose 20 pounds and be in better shape, but why... oh, yeah, the ladies!
Accept reality? Why, I'd much rather skip work and go diving!
oh...okay. I am convinced.

Just checking, on ya Bill.

Accept reality, it is quite liberating.

That's what I try to do...just face my risks..try and reduce them in a reasonable way and then shrug off the rest.

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