I disagree. I claim that once again the scuba world is a little too full of itself. This sport is not special. Instructors are not "professionals". They are merely paid to train.I think we're in vehement agreement about what's going on.
It is my view that this is part and parcel of 3rd world countries with weak rule of law. If you look around you'll find it's just as true in other disciplines there. Once they have bona fide doctors, judges, engineers, dentists, veterinarians, lab techs, teachers, etc., they can have a go at the dive instructors.
The OP has already established that no laws are being broken (well actually we have established there are no laws!). There is no fraud occurring either.
Note, most of the problem isn't coming from certified instructors selling c-cards to fake instructors or to consumers without training, it is actually mostly uncertified individuals selling "training" and not give anything or simply give a home-made certificate.
So let's forget about scuba and think "koolaid" instead (and yes I know this is a horrible example since most modern places have food safety laws that likely extend to koolaid...)
What we really have here is some kid down the block is selling koolaid for less than I charge for my koolaid that I can guarantee is awesome koolaid since I buy my mix from McKoolaid. How dare they sell koolaid!
No laws, no regulations, no foul.
That said most things do have well know best practices. Their koolaid may be poisonous. OR maybe it is way more awesome than mine?