Ultimate Dive Log Software

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I find it absolutely astounding what is out there for dive software. After looking for several days I would have to say that I am disappointed so here is my wish list.

- Ability to run on PocketPC and synchronize with Desktop.
- Ability to view and print dive logs.
- Ability to record the equipment used on a dive and the ability to select from a list of equipment already used.
- Logging of equipment maintenance
- Record particulars about a dive company
- Record particulars about dive sites
- Ability to pick from the companies and sites in the dive log
- Allow for automatic dive table calculations
- Allow the user to enter mixed units, specify the unit being entered, and then convert them at time of dive table lookup. An example of frustration is when you are at the dive site and they work metric but you have imperial weights and keep your log in imperial.
- Allow for elevation/atmosphere selection and recognize the adjustments needed for the calculations. (I live at +3 and amazingly enough do dive it too).
- Allow for cold water adjustments in calculations and in entry that a dry suite diver would need.
- For the buddy, allow the storage of their name and number.
- Allow for a signature to be recorded (mostly this is for the PocketPC version)
- Multi-Level diving records
- Dive planning
- If recording a rating (such as visibility or dive operator quality) don’t just give a number, relate the number to some language such as: good, poor, excellent, never dive again, etc...
- PSI start and end
- Dime time start and end
- Don’t make all entries mandatory but make the ones that should be done have a different background color in the field.
- Checkboxes are good for selection of conditions and type of dive.
- Record safety stop time
- Have a button to do calculations so that if you want to do your own it won’t override your entry.
- Have surface interval recommendations before next dive and the ability to enter an interval and tell you how long the next dive could be. I know this is planning but why not give some of this information at log time.

Nice to have features but not necessary:
- For the automatic dive tables, show highlights on the tables and use instructions, for the dive being performed.

It would also be great to get several divers to write a good dive guide to associate with the help system.

As for the platform I would recommend the .Net environment since it will cover many platforms going forward. This should include the Mac since Microsoft does write the Office platform for the Mac. If I am not mistaken the Office 2003 version is .Net and thus when Microsoft gets it caught up you should expect a framework for the Mac. The .Net platform will also allow for easier incorporation of the PocketPC, Linux, and other future platforms. It should also allow for multiple generations such as a descktop and web.

My background is also in development and databases. Though I may not have a lot of time available I am willing to help out. It would be a pleasure to work on a database design with everyone.
Sorry, me again but I just wanted to post this one. If a web site were developed it would be nice to be able and collect the data with a PocketPC and have it post back to the web site for storage (I would envision a yearly subscription to keep a web site running). The web site is attractive since you could store all your details there in case you forget your dive log when traveling (or just happen upon an opportunity when away on business).

Another nice feature though would be the ability to write dive operator and dive site reviews for posting back to a master web site. These reviews could be done on your PocketPC (or Palm) and would automatically synchronize with the web site when you cradle. Other divers could then have access to the reviews. This could be extended to equipment and resorts as well.

Has anything come to light from this project so far?? I was actually in the throes of drafting a message asking if there were viable alternatives to the Dive Manager software which I use with my Vyper.

While I like SDM, there are a fair few enhancements I would like to see which were mentioned in the previous posts (are you listening Suunto?)

Let me know

Many thanks.


PS, I could offer to help but I don't think a Data Warehouse consultant is what you're looking for :)
Actually a data ware house person could be very useful for designing how to store the data. In particular if we use something relational. I'm not entirely sure just how good XML would be at that, I'm told its painfully slow with relationships. But there are some .NET DOM models that sound like they may do the trick, particularly if we can leverage through something like ADO.

Just a thought. I started a diagram in Visio, but haven't completely flushed it out yet, and I think I made a wrong turn somewhere along the way. So I might scrap it and start over.
Oh, my appoligies to the Mac folks. Unfortunately, .NET does not appear to be supported on Mac, I know there is an effort under way for Linux though. Even a Java program probably would not work with well with the Mac without modification anyway, particularly for the computer interface sections. Some of this simply gets too close to the hardware to make it work by calling nice sanitized objects.

Also, the user interface portion for the Mac works considerably different than Windows, and would like require a separate module just for Mac.

So in short if working on the Mac is a requirement then it will require Mac programmers to step up to it. Otherwise it simply will not get done.

The program must be designed at first. If the components for user
interaction (user interface) is separated, then even with .net it will be
portable (think symbian, epoc, mobile, also mac).
Also don't specify language (c# I think you like to use, wenn you say .net)
before you know what you want to do. There are volunteers for programming
.net, this is not a problem I think they all can programming even java, since c# is a mix of c and java.
Someone mentioned later in this thread to involve a person who knows
about storing of data, this is a very very good point.
Also it would be essential to have documented dataset from a computer.
It would be usefull to involve a manufacturer when the design is clear.
In my mind came describing the data from a Computer in xml also the
capabilities must be described anywhere.
I would like volunteer, but only when it will be designed and be free.
A good point to start is to collect data for the design in one place (private
webspace or something like sourceforge, since this discussion should'n be
here any more longer).


I would like to add to the dive software list from the first page Diving Log 4.0, which has most of the wanted features, except of the plattform independent. The logbook data can be exported into UDCF (XML format) and MySQL Dump, which can be used for webservers. The print function has a report designer and there are import functions for all available dive computers.

Until December 2005 there is also a Hot Deal.
One recommendation I'd like to make is that the imperial/metric settings be independent for different units. I'm American, but I learned to dive in Australia. I use bar and meters for everything, but I prefer the Farenheit scale for temperature.

Along these lines, has anybody found any software that they like?

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