Flying GS
OK, so what’s the trick to getting the Ultima gloves to lock on by yourself? I’ve done myself at home a few times, but when I’m on the boat or at the quarry with dive buddies waiting, plus I’m broiling in my suit, it’s easier for everyone if I ask for help. And saves everyone’s ears from me cursing a blue streak out of frustration
I’d much rather do it myself.
To get them off, I just keep the red tool in my mask box.
The way it works for me is to:
1- Fit the glove first
2- wedge the bottom of the rings and hold pressed against my body
3- lock the top by pressing glove ring and suit ring together with one hand
Note: 1- The glove should not be fitted too short on the ring 2- The o-ring should be clean and lightly lubricated
Taking the glove off, I pull quite hard on any part of the glove ring, it eventually pulls off!