I spend 3-5 weeks per year diving in Egypt. I think part of the problem is that Egyptian dive staff who are fixed employees at a given dive centre/shop earn very little money, even by Egyptian standards. This leads to cutting corners and to them taking guests on trips the guests are not trained for yet, in the hope that the guests will like it and tip big. If you are going to a dive centre, especially a super cheap one that gives you 10 boat dives for €220 or something, you will have a riskier operation - and perhaps a worse diver:staff ratio. I would always look at the pricing and the diver:staff ratio when inspecting centers and shops. And go with your gut feeling, if the manager gives you a bad vibe or if people pressure you to dive - don't go.
When I am shore diving, or daily boat diving, I tend to book private guiding for myself and my friends. I have good friends in Egypt - some Egyptian, some European - and I book one of them as our private dive guide. This may cost as little as €100-150/week/person on top of the normal dive fees and you get a nice, relaxed week because you know they are taking care of everything. You will not have anyone pressuring you to do dives you aren't ready for, and you know that you are paying your private dive guide directly, instead of paying the dive shop. Even the dive fees for the shop go through your private dive guide. Private dive guides are usually freelance instructors so they really need to impress you so that you will book their services again, and they are usually very safety-oriented because they can choose any operator or shop, and if a shop is not safe, they will not dive from it. It's their lives, too, after all. (The same can be said for fixed employees at the shop, but they would have to find a completely new job if they refused to dive with their employers, changing the power balance.) And of course, the best thing of a private guide or instructor: you can book any courses, any time, and you can do them 1:1. Even if you don't want courses, a week with a private dive guide is a bit like an à la carte menu: you can ask them to arrange specific dive sites. When diving from a daily boat, you just go wherever the boat goes. Your private guide can find out which boat is going where, and arrange for you to be on different boats every day if this is necessary to get all your dive sites.
I have done LOB with three operators: Dive Hurghada, Blue Planet Liveaboards, and Oceanic Liveaboards. Here, I am sharing my very personal and subjective experiences with them.
Dive Hurghada were an absolute catastrophe, I had booked onto the LOB but was not even given a bunk in a room. The captain allowed us to dive from zodiac in ungodly conditions that were absolutely not safe (there was an accident that injured a dive guide as a result of this, and left a dive group stranded in the open Red Sea, floating and hoping to be found for about 45min). I had previously done what Egyptians call "daily boat diving" where you stay in a hotel and book onto a dive boat for the day with Dive Hurghada, and I loved their boat, and always had good service. This was 3-4 years ago.
Blue Planet Liveaboards tends to be my go-to nowadays; I have never had a bad experience with them that was due to crew error or anything (I have experienced one person dying on a LOB, but that was due to their pre-existing medical conditions and could not be blamed on anyone). I tend to do two LOB per year with them (and have done so since 2022). Blue Planet are very safety-conscious in their briefings, of course I cannot speak to the quality of their engineers and mechanics because I know zilch about engineering and zilch about boat standards. I know Egypt has introduced new regulations on the type of engineers required on LOB boats, and I asked my friend who occasionally guides for Blue Planet, she said Blue Planet had no problems because they had the engineers (I read reports of other operators closing/reducing their schedules due to lack of the newly-necessary engineers). If you're looking for a lovely LOB, book Blue Planet's boat called "Blue", or "Blue Storm". They own several other boats ("Blue Planet 1", "Blue Pearl" and "Blue Seas"), but these two are my preference because they're larger and a little more luxurious.
Oceanic Liveaboards is my friends' company and they're the new kid on the block, so to speak. They have barely opened yet, and currently host invitation-only LOB. They do not own a fleet of boats but they tend to charter whichever is the newest and most luxurious new boat in Hurghada's marina that year. I have done a LOB with them on a boat called "Majestic" that was absolutely terrific (newly built in 2023). They don't yet have a website but an Instagram.