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Did you even read this article? China has not offered any plan to reduce emissions and only said it will do so "eventually". Wow. The bottom line is they are not going to do it.

Let's talk about the data---

read the UN summary report for policy makers, from the Nobel Prize winners themselves. Remember, even if we agree to all your premises (anthropogenic GW is a current "fact") and try to extrapolate using models:

1) the authors admit they have no understanding of how to project what carbon feedback loops, changes in cloud cover or ice sheet flows will do to their model projections because "data is lacking" in these regards. I am no atmospheric scientist, but these flaws seem pretty significant to me.

2) in the next hundred years, the average global temp rise and sea level rise is projected to be as low as 1.8 degrees C and .2 meters, or as high as 4 degrees and 0.59 meters. Virtually no change is said to be unlikely, but still possible.

Thus, the worst case scenario, at least for sealevel, is projected to be 20 inches, the best case scenario is what, six inches.

Is a rise in temp of a few degrees C and a third of a meter in sea level change in a century that devastating to us?

And isn't any of the GW advocates willing to admit that having "no data" about carbon feedback, cloud contributions or ice sheet dynamics a bit unsettling when it comes to making sweeping predictions about what will happen a century from now?

Until people stop making excuses for China and India the USA should never enter into any agreements that would harm our economy. People are quick to blame the USA but have a multitude of excuses and spin in regards to other countries.:no
Good points BT.

One thing I'm very tired of hearing in the west is the constant sinophobia and bashing of china.

Hell – who’s the richest guy in china? Its Shi Zhengrong. What does he do: build dirty power stations? Make dangerous toys? Pollute the earth? Nope – his company is the largest manufacturer of solar panels in the world.

I really think this thread gets good when we start talking about the Conservation of our resources, and those methods.

Do you know how much toxic waste is generated in the etching of Silicon die in order to make a panel of np junction transistors (solar array).
I DIG PV, and will build it into our retirement home, but it is not eco friendly nor economically practical, nor are windmills, but I'll incorporate them into the house as well. Mainly because I want a "stand alone" home.

the whole man made Global warming thing is polarizing and will NOT bring about change.
MANY people are willing to jump on the "Conservation" wagon, which is what should be the goal of our society today.
China was exempt from Kyoto the 1st time around, so whatever smoke they want to blow about Bush is irrelevant. Bottom line is they're right now bringing online a new coal fired polluting plant every 2 weeks or so, are not doing anything & won't be. Making noises about what they "might" do is far from a commitment to actually do anything of substance.
An issue has been made about facts and data in this thread. However, GW is a prediction of future calamity and there are no facts or data from the future, unless somebody has a flux capacitor handy. Thus, it all boils down to this; do you trust the climate model makers? And if so, why?

These quotes are from the Nobel prize winning IPCC report:

"One source of confidence (in the models) comes from the fact that model fundamentals are based on established physical laws, such as the conservation of mass, energy and momentum..." The report assures us that "powerful computers" were used (and these quotes are from the scientific report, not the dumbed down version for policy makers).

OK, swell. How sophomoric is it to assure us that the models use accepted physics and big computers? Can you imagine a molecular biology paper assuring us that its conclusions were valid because the authors accepted the laws of biology and used really, really good lab equipment?

"Some climate models, or closely related variants, have also been tested by using them to predict weather and make seasonal forecasts."

I'm sorry, I thought weather predicting and climate forecasting were separate things. I was chastised for this by a medical researcher/climatologist in a prior post. Again, the monumental success of predicting short term hurricane frequency really inspires my confidence.

The report argues that models have been respectively studied against past trends with good success. I'll buy that, but the trends have been over thousands of years and the report concedes that small scale predictions of decades or even centuries is much more problematic. The report also admits:

"Nevertheless, models still show significant errors." Say it isn't so!!!

"...deficiencies remain in the prediction of tropical precipitation, the El Nino southern oscillation and the Madden-Julien oscillation. The ultimate source of such errors is that many important small scale processes cannot be represented explicitly in models..." Considering that El Nino alone can have significant impact on climate, this isn't a minor flaw. Remember, policy makers are believing this models to be accurate in time scales of 100 years or less, where short term oscillations can't be ignored (although, curiously, the UN committee seems somewhat hesitant to claim accuracy over such short time scales in the body of the report).

"Significant uncertainties in particular are associated with the representation of clouds and the resulting cloud responses to climates change." Hmmm, another minor glitch...after all, what effect could "significant uncertainties" in such trivial weather entitites as freaking CLOUDS have?

"Models used to date do not include uncertainties in climate carbon cycle feedback nor do they include the full effects of changes in ice sheet flow because a basis in published literature is lacking." Eh, what's another uncertainty or two among friends?

Finally, my own observation: the different models vary from one another by up to 100%. In oher words, there is wide discrepancy among the predictions of different simulations. Thus, most of them HAVE to be wrong (since they disagree)...why not ALL of them?

My position is that these models of our future doom may be right, but they are probably wrong (as such computer simulations are). I don't understand them, but then neither does anyone else in this thread. But the track record of such models in other realms (stock predicting, a less complex task) is quite miserable.

The position of some, however, even though they have no personal knowledge of these models, is that they ARE right without question, so right that we have to drastically alter our lifestyles to suit their predictions. These believers trust these models, even though the IPCC report itself admits uncertainties in them.
My question is: WHY? If you don't know these models personally, why oh why do you have such religious zeal in trusting them, even when the modelers themselves admit flaws?:confused:

Is that because climate modelers are, as a class, beyond reproach?

Or is it because they say something that fits nicely with what certain people WANT to believe: America is bad, rich consumers are bad, oil companies are bad, and so on?

OH, and in response to my challenge that SB members who believe in GW give up recreational diving that involves dive boats or jet travel (why should people give up their SUVs if others can't give up dive boats) as a show of their REAL concern for the planet?

Insert cricket noises here:D
I was under the impression that all the different models broadly agreed. Which models disagree with each other by 100%?

I mean.....if the broad prediction is that the car is going to crash into the woods, does it really matter if the different models predict it's going to hit this tree, rather than that one?
Interesting chart:

Hi there wayward - I actually agree with gist of the Telegraph article: that there is a lot of alarmist nonsense – on both sides of the debate.

The graph however is an extreme simplification of the data set, and it seems they have selected the data that suits their model, and then simplified even further: it's more a cartoon than a data set. Here's a graph that integrates a range of data types from a range of sources for the same period, and unlike the newspaper diagram this data has been peer-reviewed in scientific journals:


and, to put it into context, here’s the same data for the entire Holocene-


Significantly - the arrow '2004' points the level we are currently at (see insert) - the recent changes are too rapid to show on a graph on this timescale:

As you can see the temperature changes we are currently experiencing appear to be occurring far more rapidly then previous 'natural changes'.

I've actually read quite a few scientific papers on the effects of volcanic eruption on climate - and I have never seen any showing Pinatubo having such an extreme effect: Pinatubo was quite a small eruption relative to other eruptions shown on the graph, so wouldn't you expect supervolcanoes to effect temperature a lot more? Some, such as kratatoa, were orders of magnitude larger than Pinatubo’s little puff. Looks like someone is trying to attribute the recent surge in warming to Pinatubo when in effect it only caused slight cooling for 2-3 years after it erupted: why do they give Pinatubo its own little spike but not any other of the far larger eruptions?

I was under the impression that all the different models broadly agreed. Which models disagree with each other by 100%?

I mean.....if the broad prediction is that the car is going to crash into the woods, does it really matter if the different models predict it's going to hit this tree, rather than that one?

Kim here in is where the true problem lies ...no pun intended ... the IPCC report as Shakey has stated speaks to inaccuracies ...in computer models . You seem to take it on hearsay evidence that they are in aggreement i.e a consensus of models seem to point to calamity. Fact is most of AGW hysteria is based on inconclusive evidence layed on the masses from a hustler politician( Albert Gore), a shill( James Hansen) for one of the riches heartless men(George Soros) on earth to persuade folks like yourself that AGW is a forgone conclusion and we need to follow the pied pipers to our nirvana devoid of carbon based fuels ...just a comment thats all. Fact is we don't know jack about our climate and we are truly in the infancy of climate research and modeling ...but hysteria sells and as PT Barnham said ... well you get my point.

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