I am well aware that climate is not weather. My point was that computer models form the basis of both hurricane predictions and GW predictions and the hurricane experience suggest that such models are not infallible.
A little late in replying again, I was visiting the almost in-laws, and they just discovered electricity...
Hurricane (and other weather) models are vastly different then climatology models. So you cannot judge one on the basis of the other. Climatology models have proven uncomfortably accurate over the last few years. Some of the more "popular" ones not only predict current and past climate here on earth, but also can be used to model the climates on other planets (i.e. venus and mars), which lends a lot of weight to the argument that the models are very robust.
And even if they are error prone, it would be pure stupidity to ignore their findings.
And taking thermometer readings for a few years, decades or even centuries will not give a reliable indicator of what will happen in the next ten or fifty years.
Nor did I ever claim so. What I was pointing out was that those empirical measurements clearly show that the world is warming, which clearly shows that the posters here saying "I don't think the world is actually warming" are full of poop.
And exactly where is the earth's "bottom" so we may stick a thermometer and get the single temp of the whole globe?
The very fact you ask that question shows that you don't know squat about how scientists approach these problems. Which makes one wonder why you're putting yourself forward as some sort of expert. This is pretty basic stuff.
There isn't a "bottom"; instead we use thousands of separate measurements, spread around the globe, to determine the average temperature. Today the entirety of the earth surface is measured, via satellites.
Maybe Cleveland, but I'm not sure. Are you talking lower atmosphere, upper atmosphere, sea temps, land temps? How are you averaging? Do you know that vast areas of the globe have no reliable temperature measuements, even now, let alone fifty years ago?
Climatology is the study of climate over large regions over long periods.
No, it isn't. Climatology is the study of the earths climate. The period of time is not a part of it, although specific fields (i.e. paeloclimatology) do exist dealing with specific time periods.
As you point out, what happens locally from year to year or month to month is weather.
And the year-to-year pattern determines the local climate, and averaged over the whole earth, you get the earths net climate.
So why are we relying on climatologists to tell us what will happen between now and, say, 2050, or 2100, a virtual nanosecond in terms of climate evolution?
For the same reason that we trust engineers, and not doctors, to build bridges - they're the experts in their field. Maybe you need to re-read the definition of "climate", as you've created your own definition witch bears no resemblance to realty.
At the end of the day climatologists study climate (and climate includes weather patterns, among other things). They study it from the level of intra-year variation right through to the trends overlying the entire history of the earth. They are the experts, and they - not oil companies, not special interest groups, not economists, nor politicians, are the ones we should be listening to.
Saying what will happen twenty years from now sounds suspiciously like weather and not like climate.
Firstly, you have seriously mixed up the definition of climate and weather. Also, climate determines weather, so broad predictions can be made on weather *patterns* based on changes in regional climate.
Not the definition of "climate".
the "Brownian" fluctuation of temperature and climate over such miniscule (climate wise) time scales renders the astoundingly confident predictions of GW advocates suspect.
Temperature fluctuations over time are not Brownian in nature, nor are they random, meaning they can be accounted for by climatological models. Day-to-day temps cannot, but once again that's weather, not climate, and therefore irrelevent to the discussion.
The pro-GW scientists are virtually guaranteeing the future climate evolution over a period of less than a century!.
every measurement to date supports their conclusions. Which means they are probably right. From rapid warming in the arctic, to drying of parts of Africa, to the changes in precipitations patterns observed in my own home town, all agree with what the climatological models predict.
And that's the point you seem to be missing - the
short term predictions are coming true, and since the long-term predication are based on the same model this means that there is a
high and building degree of confidence in the accuracy of those models.
Yes, I mean "no room for doubt, checkmate, game over, Elvis has left the building, if I'm lying I'm dying" certainty. Don't any of you GW fans have a problem with this at all?
No. Its called the scientific process. When global warming was first proposed in the 1970's it was laughed at by all serious scientists. In the 1980's data built to the point where the theory moved from being a laughable fringe element to a supportable theory. Since then the evidence has grown and grown, to the point where the
evidence has swayed thousands upon thousands of scientists.
Do you trust ANY egghead who is that certain of their future predictions?
Given that those "eggheads" (a very insulting term, btw) have over a hundred thousand scientific papers which they use to support their conclusions, I'd have to say that I'd trust them infinitely more times then I would trust someone like you - who makes claims based on strawman arguments, ignorance, and insults.
Example: if the world's hurricane experts all predicted that a hurricane will wipe out Miami totally next year and recommended that the all corporations located there move their operations out of the city permanently, including their employees, or else face financial ruin...would the corporations do it, or would they think these guys have been so wrong so many times before?
Gee, yet another strawman. Why don't you try disproving global warming, instead of misdirecting us towards this other BS?
Of course, the track record of climatologists is...oh wait, THEY HAVE NO TRACK RECORD (unless we count their prediction of global cooling in the 1970s).
Oh wait, they have an excellent track record. Of course, having spent your life trying to ignore this data, I guess we can forgive you apparent ignorance of the subject:
ScienceDirect - Global and Planetary Change : Global warming and active-layer thickness: results from transient general circulation models
GLOBAL WARMING:Global Climate Data and Models: A Reconciliation -- Hansen et al. 281 (5379): 930 -- Science
ScienceDirect - Journal of Hydrology : The effects of climate change due to global warming on river flows in Great Britain
ScienceDirect - Ecological Modelling : Global estimation of crop productivity and the impacts of global warming by GIS and EPIC integration
SpringerLink Home - Main
SpringerLink Home - Main
AFS Online Journals - Journal -
There is nearly 2000 more articles, all dealing with the accuracy of the predictions to date.
What has this crowd of obscure atmosphere wonks done in the past to inspire such confidence in you people?
Let see:
1) 100,000+ scientific publications (hardly "obscure")
2) over 40 separate climatological models, all predicting similar results
3) accurate prediction of current trends
4) accurate modeling of paeloclimate, the climate of other planets, and our existing climate
5) thousands of these experts all making the same claims
And one cannot help note that you're best "evidence" so far has been to call these people names. What's the matter - can't deal with the actual evidence?
People don't trust their doctors,
I trust mine, impeccably.
Does anyone? When your job is lying and twisting facts it doesn't exactly build confidence in you.
I'm not touching this one with a 100' pole....
I trust my "almost" spouse. Too bad you don't trust yours.
I trust mine.
See my comment on lawyers
See my comment on lawyers.
I trust mine, but good/honest ones aren't the easiest thing to find.
I trust mine.
but a climatologist speaks and it's Moses reborn. I don't get it.
I do. I trust experts who have proven track records. Among the climatologists promoting global warming we have Nobel-prize winners, Howard Hughes fellows, members of the national academy, royal society, and so forth. Together, they have published over 100,000+ scientific studies, 40+ climatological models, launched over 12 satellites, and processed an astounding amount of data.
And despite the THOUSANDS of people involved in this research, and despite the THOUSANDS of different methods used, and despite the fact that some use models, some use empirical data, and others laboratory experimentation,
The simple fact that thousands of scientists, using different data sets, different methods of data collections, and different methods of analysis, all see the same trend, and the same dangers. This lends a lot of weight to the conclusion they have reached.
The big question is how can people like yourself, in the face of this enormous amount of data, claim that these individuals are full of hot air. One really has to wonder how you can make these kinds of claims when you lack even the simple knowledge of the definition of "climate".