Uh oh another one jumps ship

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You seem to be of the opinion that viable energy alternatives with less emissions are a bad thing and people should not waste their time and money doing R&D on them. Why is that? I don't want to try and adapt if there are changes caused by our own pollutants. You must have seen documentaries showing that there is a link to people's health and the toxic wastes factories dump. I am referring to factories around the world not just the USA. Or do you think all that is hyperbole? Are mercury levels in fish something to worry about? A few hundred years have past since the Industrial Revolution. You'd have thought that that is sufficient time to have done something about greatly reducing polution levels. Once you have cooked an egg, how do you make it non-solid again?

No, I am all for alternate energy. Not just for pollution reasons, but to free us from political dependence of foreign oil which is increasingly controlled by crackpots.

The only source right now that could quickly replace hydrocarbons is nuclear, but the environmentalists hate that and not entirely without justification. Nevertheless, I would like to see more US construction of nuclear plants at least as a stopgap until other sources come on line.

Geothermal is promising, wind and solar will never do the job, and fusion is the golden grail and, personally, I would put a lot more R and D into fusion, dollarwise, then we are now doing.

My concern is quick, short-term caps on petroleum use, carbon taxes, fuel surcharges, etc, that will cause an immediate drag on the global economy, reduce wealth production needed for R and D, perhaps even trigger a recession --- all based on hysteria.

Once we turn over control of our carbon output to bureaucrats, we will basically forever hand them the keys to the kingdom so to speak. As Reagan said, the closest thing to eternal life is a government program. And UN programs are even more eternal.
So Dandy Don has made it clear that he's sold. A true believer, GW is happening, it's caused my man & we can stop it. No possible doubt in his mind.

Now, this has me curious. DD, based on the resort dive trip reports you've posted here, your carbon footprint has to be an order of magnitude greater than mine is, even though I remain unconvinced that the smoke blowing up my tukus isn't a huge scam intended to achieve social & political gains at our expense. I haven't been on a plane in 7 years & do not intend to get on one any time soon. What diving I do tends to be as close to home as possible & I've rarely taken long road trips for any reason in recent years.

So, lemme ask you:

Was your last dive trip report your last dive trip report? I mean, if you believe this stuff & it's that serious & that urgent, surely you will end you selfish ways of flying around the globe & jumping on diesel gulping dive boats purely for your personal pleasure, right? After all, the fate of the world is in your hands.
Good luck, it's mega spendy already.:D

Yes, but think what prices will do when most of Florida is underwater and the temperatures there are just shy of broiling. There will be a stampede to the Great North Woods and I'll be there ready and waiting to subdivide! :14:
NBC pulled a "Greenie" move on Monday Night Football, at that moment, I turned on ALL the lights in the house and did the laundry. I will leave the porchlight and the garage lights on 24/7 until they get that green peacock off my TV screen! hey, this greedy American can afford it!
:rofl3: I know several 3 year old girls who are less petulant than that! :rofl3:
Kim, you're always good for a laugh....
You missed my point. The U.S. Environmental Laws have gotten so tough as to drive away our manufacturing, we should not have to trade with countries that less stringent laws.
Yes, we produce the most pollution in the world at the present time. No one complained when we were feeding the world, at the expence of the US Taxpayer, and family farmer.....
Sin Tax on oil is what you're after eh? That's ok by me, I can afford it, hell, I paid $7.00 a gallon for gas in Germany and more in England years ago(before the EURO). But people who cannot afford it, it hurts. there is NO reason for it either, other than to make people "feel good", and line the pockets of government.
NBC pulled a "Greenie" move on Monday Night Football, at that moment, I turned on ALL the lights in the house and did the laundry. I will leave the porchlight and the garage lights on 24/7 until they get that green peacock off my TV screen! hey, this greedy American can afford it!

November 10, 2007
NBC's Green Fraud
By Jonah Goldberg

'WE have turned out the lights in the studio," NBC's Bob Costas told viewers of Sunday's Dallas Cowboys-Philadelphia Eagles game, "to kick off a week that will include more than 150 hours of programming designed to raise awareness about environmental issues." Discerning viewers with eyes keen enough to pierce the sanctimonious glare of Costas' candlelit silhouette may have noticed that the stadium's klieg lights still shone brightly.
On a typical game day, a large football stadium burns about 65,000 kilowatt hours of electricity and 35,000 cubic feet of natural gas. The cars driving to the game spew about 200 metric tons of CO2 (and that assumes nobody's driving SUVs or RVs, which is like assuming tailgaters are eating only sushi). There's also the electricity used to broadcast the game and to watch it. But thank goodness Costas turned off the studio lights for a minute or two.

NBC's "Green Week" continued apace: Morbidly obese contestants on "The Biggest Loser" lugged piles of recyclable cans up ramps and into enormous collection bins. Of course, the cans were delivered to the stunt by diesel truck. So a lot of energy - and sweat! - that could have been used toward fermenting homebrew tofu (or whatever energy is supposed to be used for) was wasted on viewer schadenfreude.

The winners of the challenge each received a hybrid SUV. Alas, one of the winners didn't own a car to begin with, so the net result was one more car on the road and a little more CO2 in the air.

On "Days of Our Lives," a fictional couple had a fictionally "green" wedding. And the cast of the "Today" show burned massive amounts of jet fuel sending its hosts to the corners of the globe - leaving a "carbon footprint" larger than those left near the recycle bin on "The Biggest Loser."

I could go on, but you've seen the tyranny of Green even if you've never turned on NBC.

Green is everywhere. Every magazine feels compelled to do a special "green issue," but they feel so guilty about it, they ditch their glossy paper for pulp that gives it the feel of a hemp-commune newsletter that doubles as toilet paper. Food magazines have replaced "delicious" with "sustainable" as the highest praise.

"Green is the new black" according to fashion writers (who at least think certain cliches never go out of style).

Now, the predictable response to my caterwauling is that I just don't get it. Of course, Bob Costas' Dickensian studio lighting is just so much symbolism. But, they respond, NBC is "raising consciousness" and promoting "awareness."

We've heard this tone before, perhaps starting in high school, when we were told, "If we all work together, we can make this the best yearbook ever!"

And that's why, on top of all the other reasons, Green Week - and the Green Millennium it hopes to usher in - is so annoying. It plays us all for suckers.

First of all, you have enormously rich people at fantastically wealthy corporations seeking grace on the cheap with a few symbolic gestures that come at absolutely no cost and often-considerable profit.

You do know that the parent company of NBC is General Electric, right? You do know that for GE, green is first and foremost the color of money, right? As Tim Carney explains in vivid detail in his wonderful book, "The Big Ripoff," GE's "ecomagination" campaign is simultaneously a way to brand itself as a "progressive" company and a means of shaking the money tree - the most sustainable planting of them all - growing in Congress' backyard.

When the global company launched the ecomagination campaign, guess where it held the launch party? Its D.C. lobbying office, of course.

While sipping wine made at a solar-powered winery, GE chief Jeffrey Immelt proclaimed, "Industry cannot solve the problems of the world alone. We need to work in concert with government."

Translation: The King Kong of the corporate world needs tax breaks, subsidies and favorable regulations to make green technology profitable. Indeed, GE has nearly cornered the market on the solar panels necessary to implement Kyoto-style reforms. Global-warming hysteria is good for its bottom line.

Liberals and environmentalists love to whine about special breaks for corporations, and they work themselves into paroxysms of paranoia about how big corporations propagandize against action on climate change. The reality is exactly the opposite: GE, DuPont, British Petroleum and countless other big corporations routinely propagandize in the other direction, largely to win governmental support they don't need.

But so long as environmentalists approve of the message, they've got no problem whatsoever with the messengers.

For GE and Bob Costas alike, Kermit the Frog was a liar: It's easy being green
So Dandy Don has made it clear that he's sold. A true believer, GW is happening, it's caused my man & we can stop it. No possible doubt in his mind.

Now, this has me curious. DD, based on the resort dive trip reports you've posted here, your carbon footprint has to be an order of magnitude greater than mine is, even though I remain unconvinced that the smoke blowing up my tukus isn't a huge scam intended to achieve social & political gains at our expense. I haven't been on a plane in 7 years & do not intend to get on one any time soon. What diving I do tends to be as close to home as possible & I've rarely taken long road trips for any reason in recent years.

So, lemme ask you:

Was your last dive trip report your last dive trip report? I mean, if you believe this stuff & it's that serious & that urgent, surely you will end you selfish ways of flying around the globe & jumping on diesel gulping dive boats purely for your personal pleasure, right? After all, the fate of the world is in your hands.

Is the lowering of pollution standards causing more sun to reach the arctic areas. There seems to be a lot of melting going on up there. Something is happening up there.

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