Tx50 ... Atx50?

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I've seen people talk about the TX50, but most online stores have ATX50 (and my LDS).

Is there something causing some to use TX50 rather than ATX50?
The ATX is the "Advanced" TX model which came out a couple years ago. There's just alot of TX's still floating around. I know you can purchase TX's still in Europe (simplyscuba.com), but I don't think they're available from US distributors.
I've seen people talk about the TX50, but most online stores have ATX50 (and my LDS).

Is there something causing some to use TX50 rather than ATX50?

A large number of divers using the Apeks TX series find it to have superior exhaust bubbles dispersion. The ATX varities use the smallish exhaust tee. Some companies, like Atomic, are going back to larger tees on some of their models.

The only difference between the ATX50 and TX50 is the size of the second stage. They breathe the same and have essentially the same internals.
In the UK you can still get good deals on TX50/TX4 (godive.net, they do ship international) . In Singapore (currently staying here short term, the TX can not easily be obtained. The companies I approached say that the TX has some import limitations and that the military has sole rights to purchsing TX. The ATX series seems to be the only ones 'commercially available')

I know Apeks still makes TX series, but wants to push the ATX as 'new, better etc, etc' They are the same (barring size).

My first reg was an atx 50. I quickly found out why some people prefer the TX. The larger exhaust tee makes a big difference imo. So now my ATX is my backup and I am happily using a TX for the primary.
The larger exhaust tee makes a big difference imo.
What kind of difference does the exhaust port make? I can't see where this would be an issue. Can you explain for those of us that can't see this.
I haven't used the ATX50, but the exhaust tee is significantly narrower. I could see how, in a face forward position, the bubbles from the ATX50 would pass in front of your eyes. This doesn't happen with the TX50.

BTW, it doesn't seem like anyone mentioned the fact that the ATX50 is a replacement for the TX50.

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