Yeah, I get it. You don't know the difference between say a car accident and divers running out of gas.
So instead of elaborating on your points, your preference is drag my personal safety into the discussion in a backhanded manner. Hmm...
May I suggest that in order to contribute constructively to the thread, we stick with elaborating on the merits of our points? And we can no longer do that, then we should recognize that it is time to bow out of the thread.
Now, now . . .

This sounds like the two of you are arguing past each other. One is saying it should've, could've, ought to've never happen, and the other is saying, it happens, so be prepared to DO something.
Frankly, " should've, could've, ought to've " doesn't do a darned thing to help those who end up in those circumstances.
Telling a teenager to never get in a car with a drunk driver doesn't help them one whit when they find that they are in a car with a drunk driver. What now?
Telling a teenager to always watch their breathing gas, and never run out of gas, doesn't help them one whit when they DO run out of gas.
We have to stop saying "you shouldn't have done that" when it is too damn late. We need to give divers the tools of what to do when they are stupid. It's why I disagree with people that won't answer a question they consider 'dumb', because they think it will encourage someone to do something stupid. The fact is, people WILL keep doing something stupid and knowing what to do after stupid could be the difference between learning a lesson and being one.