pilot fish:Do you have any experience on their efficiency against current, type kick, etc?
pilot fish, frankly the black splits are still not strong enough against a really decent current. You should make sure you have some substantial non-splits if you are knowingly going into such a circumstance.
pilot fish:Do you utilize a different kick when using split fins than when you've used single paddle fins?
Yes it's a shorter more frequent stroke. The problem is this is often not done properly from the hips following through the whole leg. As a result your knees spend a large portion of the time counteracting your swimming effort by jutting down into the hydrostream, creating eddies and fighting against your effort to go forward in any real current. Blade fins like the scubapro jet fins allow for a large variety of useful strokes and kicks which can propel all the while maintaining your hydrodynamic trim and body position. See the www.gue.com website for some decent videos illustrating some of these useful kicks, which are really only possible with blade fins.