RICHinNC once bubbled...
You have opened a subject here that will usually go either one way or the other for someone! People usually either love or hate split fins.
I have a pair of Tusa's and must admit I now seldom wear them. I find them very lacking when it come to any current whatsoever. I also have a pair of Mares Avanti fins and always wear them when I go ocean diving and especially when I know there is a current. Just back from Barbados, one diver on the boat had a pair of Tusas and he too found them lacking in current.
Having said that.......the kick used with split fins is very different than with "normal" fins. Be sure whatever you do not kick out side your slip stream. Keep your leg travel very small...almost to the point of a flutter kick and you will get the most efficiency out of the splits. If you use a big open will be wasting energy and go no where fast.
For me...the Tusa is ok in a lake or quarry....but when it comes to the is my Avanti's.