Frank, and all,
I just got back in town. Seems I've been gone a lot in the last month. Anyway, the Colorado Sprigns dive club FROGs will be diving to Turquoise Lake on Aug 16 also. They plan go up and camp Friday evening, dive Turquoise on Sat (we dove the same area as Frank suggested in June) camp Saturday night and then dive Twin Lakes on Sunday.
I'm not sure if I'll be camping with them or just driving up for the day. I haven't been home for a weekend in over 6 weeks, so may have some thing to do. In any case, if there is anyone from Colo Spgs that is interested in car pooling, give me a shout. Also, if any of you are interested in joing the FROGs camping, let me know and I'll get you the info. They usually provide all the food (breakfast, lunches and dinner) so you don't need to cook, for about $25/person for the weekend. Makes camping easier if you don't have to bring stove, pot/pans, and food. Just throw a tent and sleeping bag in and you're good to go.
I'll check my log and let you know the water temps we go last June. The lake was very low, and the vis was not great. I'm hoping it will be better this time.
Frank, I'll PM you my cell phone number so we can make contact Sat morning if you like.