Tulum in June Recommendations

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Reaction score
Fayetteville, AR
# of dives
200 - 499
Hello everyone,

My family and I are going back to Mexico this June except this time we are not going to Cozumel or Playa. Thought we'd explore Tulum for a week or so. I am planning on diving with Abyss (used in Playa and thought they were great) as they have a facility in Tulum. We're staying at the Sunscape.

Here's what I'd like to know:

1. I dove two ceynotes (Chikin Ha and Taj Mahal) last year. Any additional ceynote recommendations other than these two?

2. I'm not expecting much from the ocean diving, I heard its generally shallow diving. Are there any preferred dive sites that you enjoy?

3. Finally, for my non-diving family, is there any local activities of interest other than the ruins? We visited Xel Ha last year and enjoyed it, however it was pretty expensive for the day.

Thanks Much!

Hello everyone,

1. I dove two ceynotes (Chikin Ha and Taj Mahal) last year. Any additional ceynote recommendations other than these two?


If you're staying in Tulum, Gran Cenote is just down the road to Coba and is the most photogenic cenote (part of Sac Aktun with WHITE walls). Definitely my favorite Cavern Dive.

Dos Ojos (as already mentioned) is also very close to Tulum and a wonderul cavern dive. The Bat Cave is a second Cavern Dive at Dos Ojos that is also very interesting.

There are a couple of other cenotes on the road to Coba that are interesting (Car Wash and Temple of Doom), but are better cave dives than cavern dives.

More information and photos from the caverns mentioned above can be found in my trip report to Akumal
In the Tulum area I would recommend diving Gran Cenote, Car Wash and both the mainline (Barbie line) and Bat CAve tours at Dos Oyos.

Maybe a trip to Coba with a stop at Gran Cenote for the non divers in the group to see where you go for your dives and they could go for a snorkel.

Also beach combing, working your way south from Tulum ruins.

Head to Casa Cenote for a day at the beach - nice resturaunt and cenote just off the beach.

Day trip to: Sian Ka’an Biosphera Reserve

One of my favorites is a trip to Vaillodolid and the ruins at Ek Balam (day trip).

Check out this web site for more information: http://www.info-tulum.com/gen.html


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