Tuesday pickie - A Room With A View

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Scuba Jim

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In a field in Kent
Seeing as I couldn't be bothered to dig out an underwater picture and it is scuh a nice day here, this is a view from my office window...


As you can see, the garden is REALLY interesting at present...!
I was just in England the other day, and was surprised to see how nice and sunny and warm it was.

Nice view. If I took a photo of the view outside of my office, you'd see asphalt and more offices. At least I have a window. :rolleyes:
SueMermaid once bubbled...
I was just in England the other day, and was surprised to see how nice and sunny and warm it was.

why wouldn't it be like that it is the summer?

an exceptional one this year admittedly
been an OK summer here Clive.

But it has clouded over since I took that pickie this morning, and it is very humid, so I suspect it will rain in the not too distant.

Are you affected by the drought in Italy? Looks pretty bad to me.
i was refering to the uk, but yeah it is damn hot here in italy.

lights flicker now and then as everyone has the aircon going full blast and apparently river levels have dropped making it difficult to cool the power stations.

i read yesterday that a nuclear power station in france came close to getting shut down as the roof of the building was just below the safety limit (50 deg c), they had to turn the fire hoses on it to cool it down.

2 weekends ago i went to the open air pool and burnt my ass on the floor through the towel and my shorts dried out in about 2 mins!!

it was so hot, the sole of my reefs blistered and now i have a hole in the sole.
While we're on the weather in Europe, the thermometer outside my hotel in Madrid read 46 degrees on Sunday morning, and there were brush fires everywhere I drove. Scary, it was, how hot and dry it was. Aircon you say, Clive? I wish I had that in my hotel, but all I had was a window looking out into the airshaft. Whimper.

I am almost glad to be back in NJ, where it's jungle-humid and gray.
Its funny, cos I'm a brit in DC right now, and we are having one of the wettest and coldest summers ever. It's still about 80 degrees, but its got nothing on last year,

in the shade here yesterday.

I suspect it is hotter today. Certainly feels like it.

En route back from the bank I invested in a large flagon of lemonade and we plan to crack open a bottle of Pimms this evening. Ah bliss!

I thought I had heard most of the English colloquialisms, but haven't heard this one. What's a "flagon"? :eek:ut:

Now, Pimm's I understand. Me too please! :wave:
I have a few questions....

1) Is 33C anywhere close to 99F?

2) I know flagon but what's a Pimms? If it cools y9ou off, I'll take one!

3) Cool picture. I've always wondered...what's the crokked white cone thing on top of the roof?

Now THIS is the England I would like to see.

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