I think taking a DIR class and not at least trying the gear would be a mistake.
If your mind is shut to the gear aspects what other areas of your diving might it also be shut to.
The idea that GUE trys to get across is we should be thinking divers.
If your mind is not open to new ideas are you really thinking?
I think taking a DIR class without the gear is like putting ice cubes in a good beer.
Sure the beer is cold but it ruins the whole contents of the glass.
In the same aspect taking a DIR class to learn the philosophy but not adopting the gear, ruins the whole conforming gear and gasses part of the philosophy.
Yes it would still make you a better diver but you would still not be Doing It Right.
Probably just another unwanted opinion,
If your mind is shut to the gear aspects what other areas of your diving might it also be shut to.
The idea that GUE trys to get across is we should be thinking divers.
If your mind is not open to new ideas are you really thinking?
I think taking a DIR class without the gear is like putting ice cubes in a good beer.
Sure the beer is cold but it ruins the whole contents of the glass.

In the same aspect taking a DIR class to learn the philosophy but not adopting the gear, ruins the whole conforming gear and gasses part of the philosophy.

Yes it would still make you a better diver but you would still not be Doing It Right.
Probably just another unwanted opinion,