Try not to believe everything you read....

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Was RoatanMan
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Chicago & O'Hare heading thru TSA 5x per year
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Could be wrong, but I've seen what can happen too often when a Captain is distracted, even for a few minutes.

And believe me, this UTLGirl can really distract a Captain.

This new thread has caused me to think....

Through all of the potential "horrors and plagues" that have made the news about Honduras over the last many months, one thing struck me as odd.

:chicken: The sky is falling!

There have been a small group of ScubaBoard Chicken Lickins who were very busy squawking with their old pal, Henny Penny in regards to anything that happens near Roatan or Utila.

99% of the bad news rumors posted here were put up by 1% of the posters.

First the Chicken Brigade came on ScubaBoard screaming about the dangers of going to Honduras (always by implication therefor, Roatan) with that whole Swine Flu deal. "Don't go to Roatan, lest ye will surely die" squawked their posts.

Swine Flew? Pigs Fly! :shakehead: Did not happen.

The next thing that got Chicken Lickin all pumping was the "big earthquake". "Oh my Gawd don't go near the place lest the aftershocks hit and ye will surely die". But that didn't happen, either. The sky did not fall, only a few bottles off of the shelves. :shakehead: Did not happen. If you were there, you bought the t-shirt commemorating it.

Then something all Chicken Lickens just love... a Coup. It made these chickens just fly :banana: out of their coup. "Don't go to the Bay Islands, lest ye get embroiled and die in that bloody coup!" But that didn't prove to be very much fun for them, either. Did not happen. :shakehead:

In the time since the biggest of all of the Chicken Lickins started his a'squawking, he announced that he was canceling his big trip to Roatan, much to the loss of the girls :gorgeous: at Fantasy Island Singles Week. Right here on ScubaBoard, we all heard about how it was :doctor: smarter to go to another place.

While all that planning was going on, Chicken Licken erroneously reported that Hurricane Ana, a threat to Cuba, was now of concern to the Central American area. Did not happen. Bad map reading skils, too.

Chicken Licken planned his "next big trip" to a place that just had suffered through 12 beheadings :m16: (like they have in Iraq) in a tourist zone. Sure, they were of drug cartel guys, but they did happen in the area. He gloriously reported each day of his splendid dive trip and how he got in his one dive a day, sometimes two! A free Tequila on tap kind of place!

He selected to go to that different, much safer place, because as he and several friends always warned us- if you go to Roatan, you will surely die!

He went to another different place where it was so safe that yesterday, from the airport, an entire plane load of tourists was hijacked by three goofs who should have just stayed home. It all ended peacefully. :crafty:

So what is Henny Penny's new quote, now? "Take my advice, I'm not using it"?

There are divers, there are vacationers. There are adventurous souls, there are those who would counsel all to eat at Denny's. There are people who posture, there are those who give reasoned advice.

When it all comes right down to it, just as in diving itself, we are all responsible for our own personal safety.

Fortune rewards the brave. Timid people do not take up SCUBA diving. Every time we leave the house, we take-on unknown risks.

Be a risk taker. Upon your return from Honduras, people at the office will look at you all wide-eyed and ask about the Coup, the Earthquake, maybe even the Swine Flu. You can make up your own wild stories and get them really worried about your sanity.

Even as you just tell them it was an idyllic relaxing island paradise, they'll remember only that you went to that Honduras place! Yikes!

P.S.- Be sure to buy the t-shirt!
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I'll make it 2, my wife is going, no, 3 my daughter will surely want a T Shirt too.
ROTFL!! Roatanman you're very sweet (no I won't tell anyone & spoil your reputation), but sadly at my age, the only distraction I am to the Captains is when I take over the wheel :)
Chicken Brigade
Wow... I hate to hijack this thread, but calling people you disagree with names is never productive, even on the internet. People have concerns and opinions and many of these are at odds with other's agendas. The staff of ScubaBoard believes that EVERYONE is entitled to their own opinions of a particular destination and are allowed to express those opinions here on ScubaBoard without fear of being unduly accosted.

Even more important, our users have the right to express their fears and trepidations and certainly don't need to be singled out derisively. Obviously, if you feel that anyone has nefarious motives, is overly combative or has a hidden agenda, PLEASE REPORT the problematic post with a description as to why it's objectionable. You can do this with the
Bad Post button that's in the bottom left of most posts.

ScubaBoard belongs to everyone and consequently everyone has the right to express themselves within the confines of our ToS. Name calling, even collectively is not very friendly and against our ToS.
Next time I'll use the phrase "Internet Diver X".

It just didn't have the same comedic tie-in as chickens did with coup.

Coup... Coop, get it? It was supposed to be a play on words.

Hey- and remember that thing they were banging-on about repeatedly? The Tegucigalpa Colonel Sanders explosion? Feathers everywhere? It was Poultry in Motion.
(another, albeit dated 1960 pop culture reference, this time to Johnny Tillotson)(Stick around, I'll be here all the week, I got a million of 'em.)(Chicken jokes just make me laugh so hard.) See: Exploding chicken - References where it reminds us, "Chicken" is often considered to be an inherently funny word".

That and the "sky is falling" reference... that tied in with the earthquake. See?

Then the whole barnyard theme got rounded out with the play on words "pigs fly". (Swine Flu)

See? I was just trying to use a little barnyard humor.

I only use the
button to ask Moderators to move a post to a correct forum. Otherwise, I'll just try to keep posting the reality of life, in hopes of countering obviously faulty predictions, whether the posters have an "agenda" or just ill-informed.

If I use the name "Diver X", this does still leave creative writing styles open to riffing on the comic book, "X Men". Since they are superheroes, that shouldn't be a problem.

Please stand by... just called Roatan Honduras... Yep... everything is still on Action Alert Blue. (This is determined because the parrot is still asleep, no intentional reference to chickens, that's how they determine the Terror Alert Status down in Honduras, thass'all~ din't mean 'nothin' by it.)

Sunset scheduled for 5:48
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Context when taken from out- so funny not, yes? (Borat)


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