This whole master diver discussion brings to mind a situation I witnessed at one of the early Scuba Shows on the Queen Mary. An instructor with more specialty patches on his jacket (the equivalent of the Eagle Scout merit badge sash) made a bee line to a couple of "tech diver" types at their dispaly. He haranged them at length about how they would destroy sport diving and cause needless deaths by getting people to go beyond sport diving limits. While tech diving is nothing I have ever been interested in, I turned to my buddy (himself a very accomplished sport diving instructor) and remarked that view would end the minute the mainline alphabet certifying agencies figured out a way to make money from tech diving.
It seems that the term "Master Diver" is ambiguous at least and subjective at best. From this thread it appears to arouse the same passion. I think the alphabet crowd became enamored with the term about the same time "Men of Honor" hit the silver screen.
I will settle this once and for all. When you are as good as me you will have earned the right to wear the patch of Master Diver. Keep in mind, I have no patches and never went past AI/divemaster which lapsed before Clinton was out of the White House.
I can't define a Master Diver, but I know one when I see one.
It seems that the term "Master Diver" is ambiguous at least and subjective at best. From this thread it appears to arouse the same passion. I think the alphabet crowd became enamored with the term about the same time "Men of Honor" hit the silver screen.
I will settle this once and for all. When you are as good as me you will have earned the right to wear the patch of Master Diver. Keep in mind, I have no patches and never went past AI/divemaster which lapsed before Clinton was out of the White House.
I can't define a Master Diver, but I know one when I see one.