So, I've had a lot of trucks over the years, and am partial to both Toyota and Ford as brands. My favorite trucks were my 1984 Toyota Hilux 4cyl, my 1994 Ford F-150 V6, and my 2009 Toyota Tundra V8. The Tundra is my current truck, and my favorite of all of them.
Because I also use it for road trips to the snow, I went for the double cab, automatic, 4wd, 6.5foot bed setup. Works great for snow trips with 4 people, dive trips with 4 people. Bought the truck in 2017 with 120k miles, for $18500 (!), similar Tacomas were running around $5k more, and either one probably cost about $40k new. Sometimes I wish I shelled out for the Tacoma, other times I figure the main advantage there is better fuel economy, and it would take a really long time for that to add up to that $5k. I love this truck, and intend to drive it until either it dies, or fully-electric trucks finally come out and I splurge for one. My ex-father-in-law's 2001 Tundra went 375k miles before it finally blew a head gasket in 2015 or so. He put a new engine in it, and is still happily driving it today, I have no idea how many miles he's up to, my best guess would be mid-high 400k range.
The point is, 2000's era Toyotas go and go and go and go, and don't really depreciate very much after the first 5 years or so. So do the Fords, by the way. Can't speak much for other brands, as these 2 brands are the only high-mileage experience I personally have. That all being said, I fully agree with
@Barnaby'sDad 's point: these things are really subjective, and you're probably not gonna get very useful responses. If you've ever seen a thread where people discuss their favorite brand of soda, or beer, or cell phones, or rebreathers, or whatever, it's the same thing here... people like what they like.
If it has not occurred to you, I would highly recommend looking into looking into a used one. Some people don't like used vehicles, I get that, but it's just not worth paying over double for the newness factor (to ME). Also, don't trip out about how many attachment points are in the bed, and definitely don't worry about what the bed liner is made out of. You can see a few pics of my truck in my
thread on the DIY forum, where I added a whole crapload of attachment points to my truck for cheap. Also visible is the spray-in liner, which is awesome. The very first thing I did when I bought this baby is throw the old POS plastic liner out, and had a liner sprayed into it for about $600. I went with Line-X, but Rhino is essentially the same thing, and there are a few other brands.
Best of luck