Trouble With Low Profile Apeks Valve on DUI Suits?

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The low profile ("mushroom") DUI dump valves need a certain level of pressure inside the suit to prevent leakage. If you dive the suit without much gas in it- it will leak. The only rememdy is to change the valve (I recommend the low profile SiTech). It's the way the valve is designed.
From what I've recently heard, DUI is/was having problems with the valves - water leaking in, could be intermittent in nature. A buddy is getting one sent from DUI, no charge. I guess they've changed to a different valve from what he had on his original suit.
I had an email from Dave Sweetin once explaining why it happened to the low profile Apeks versus the high profile Apeks. The low profile has less supports. That's the only difference. In addition, David Rhea (DUI rep) indicated one needs to descend with the valve closed or it will leak. This is true when you use very little gas in the suit which would end up trying to suction the diaphgram back into the suit. Once you complete the descent, then you can open the valve without any problem as you would have added gas to the suit by that time.

I have heard that some people are having trouble with the low profile valves on DUI suits. Anyone have trouble? What would be the remedy? Is this an old problem atht has been fixed by DUI?
replace the apeks valve with a si-tech and stop worrying about it. i'm much happier after i did.
No, go with the high profile Apeks. Si-Tech valves stink! Well, at least the one I had on my first drysuit stunk.

replace the apeks valve with a si-tech and stop worrying about it. i'm much happier after i did.
For at least a year DUI has been quietly replacing the low-profile valves on suits that are returned for other services (with new low profile valves). Some sort of manufacturer initiative. Shhhhh . . . don't tell.
I have the low profile Si Tech and it's been great so far. I leave it wide open all the time and I dive with VERY little gas in my suit. No leaks or problems so far. (knock on wood)
I agree with every-one telling you to just replace the Apex with a Si-Tech valve.

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