The bridge in Table Rock is the old Kimberling City Bridge (aka The Lost Bridge). Part of the bridge was salvaged, but there is still a section there. Steel starts at 108', memorial bell at 120', bridge deck at 135', and river bed at 175'. These depths are all dependant upon water levels, of course.
gNat, the flywheel is at Oronogo.
Let me know when you plan to dive this bridge, and if you would like some company. It is a great dive! Just be ready for DARK conditions. Well worth the effort, though. The bell is also a very cool sight to see. It was placed in memory of a dive instructor/firefighter who lost his life in a hunting accident.
Hope this helps.
As long as you are in this forum DW,
Can you please add to the "what is there to dive/see" at Oronogo? I know of the cabin cruiser, dog house (a real dog house?) plan, and caverns.
Maybe you could post the other cool things to see along with "why dive Oronogo" (other than it is there and the only game in town)
