Trip report on lousy Coz area

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Reaction score
N.E. Texas
# of dives
100 - 199
Trip was terrible, conditions were as follows:

Water temp: Low to mid 80's.
Sea: calm.
Currents: Almost non-existent to mild, where I was at.
Vis: 3 miles.

Saw barracuda, sea turtles, sea horse, eagle ray, some of them 1,000 lb. lobsters, small to medium nurse sharks, along with the normal reef fish, crabs, toadfish, etc.

And that was the first day.


A detailed trip report would be boring.

You are a bad person who will undoubtably come to a rotten end for teasing in such a manner :wink:

A person should never be expected to tollerate such inhuman conditions! I sure hope things improved for the rest of your trip!

I agree with're just plain mean! :eek:ut:
What a surprise to hear the news about your latest Coz trip. Those conditions were unspeakable......about as unbearable for us to hear as they were for you to endure.

Did you have trip insurance?....AND I hope your neighbors have good senses of humor because the rest of us may just have to do something mischevious like rolling your house for being such a tease!

Let's see - hmmmmmmm, eagle ray deserves about 10 rolls of TP plus a roll per pound of lobster brings it, you get the picture. We can give you 3 mile vis !!!

Hey Swampsters......if you want to show sealskin 98 just how much you enjoyed his 1-800-STINKER....and make your contribution to help cover the expense of the "Welcome Home" display! LOL

All joking aside - glad you had a wonderful trip and you certainly get cudos for "getting our attention"! Bravo!!!!
What a wasted trip! Doesn't look like you saw one beer can, used diaper, or plastic bag underwater.
You should ask for your money back!
awap once bubbled...
Damn. What do you have to do? Kick?

I did have to fin some on the first dive at Palancar Horseshoe (was unusual.) The rest of the dives were the "get neutral and be carried along like a slow stroll in the park." We had some ppl. from Italy with us that had never been to Coz before and DM took us to some easy sites. Was nice dives, and we only went to 90 fsw.
I can only hope those same deplorrible conditions last through next week while I am there.


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