trimming drysuit neck seals?HELP

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Campana had a great post about this on another board, but I can't find the post.

A great jig to cut a neck seal is about a 5" PVC endcap and a hose clamp that fits around it. When you decide where to trim the seal, pull the seal over the endcap, lightly clamp the seal with the hose clamp and then run an xacto knife around the seal using the hose clamp as the guide.

You'll need to either rotate the hose clamp or just wing it to complete the cut where the screw drive mechanisim is on the hose clamp.

I wear a drysuit for kayaking and rafting.. the way I trimmed the gaskets was with a coffee can and an x-acto knife.

Put the coffee can through the neck so it's slightly stretched, and very carefully make a circular cut around. You can use the ridges in the can as a guide. Trim only a little bit at a time.. 1/8" or so. You won't need to cut off as much as you think.

Whether this advice is good for a diving drysuit, I don't know..

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