Trimming dive posture/weight position

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Sunnyvale, CA
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50 - 99
I'm finishing up a peak performance bouyancy class, and my general bouyancy control is really good. However, whenever I am just hovering, I either go feet-down or feet-up depending on whether I'm wearing ankle weights (I've tried no weight, 1 lb, and 2 lb ankle weights). My gut feeling is that the ankle weights are just offsetting a greater imbalance in my other weight placement. I'm heading out to do the open water portion of the class this weekend, and I'd prefer not to have to do my hover upside-down like I did in the pool.

I'd like to get to the point where regardless of the position I hover in (skydive, feet up, or feet down), I stay that way with no finning. Here's info about me:

- Dive mostly cold saltwater in a 7mm wetsuit with hood
- Carry 32lbs of shot weight distributed with 5lbs each in two trim pockets between my back and tank, and the remainder in integrated pockets in my Aeris Atmos LX.
- When using ankle weights, I remove the offsetting weight from the integrated pockets
- I dive a steel HP80 that is about 2lbs negative
- Fins are very slightly negative Oceanic V-16
- Overweight (working on that), but with virtually all fat in the midsection. Legs are lean from training for 10k runs the past 6 months and the rest is slowly following.

I've read some material related to DIR philosophy on weighting, and maybe will look into backplates with weight set close to the center of the wing in my next set of gear, but I want to find a way to make my current gear last me for a while. Any help is appreciated!
I think you almost have it.

Leave only the trim weight up in the back pockets and put the rest on a belt. Right now your ballast is concentrated in the middle with an intense center of gravity. As you suspect you are wrenching your legs down with ankle weights but your physiology does not suggest buoyant legs making ankle weights illogical.

Any suggestions would be just speculation but here are mine. Move more weight lower, less trim weight or lowering the tank position. Try it again without the ankle weights.

It is just a matter for determining where the weights need to be placed, based on your oun physiology and gear configuration.

The best part of figuring it out is that you get to dive more often!
IMO,Your gut feeling is right,stay away from ankle weights.Though some need them on drysuits.
Your diving 7mm wet or semidry, don't use them.
Get used to diving without them.
Also when not using them don't use those counterweight pockets on your BC or tankstrap.
Use a belt and the intergrated weights in your BC.
When your feet go UP.try to lower your tank.
Feet go down,hey just raise it a bit :D,it's all just shifting your balance, just get into fine tuning your gear.
One of the active Monterey divers posted a really great article not too long ago regarding horizontal trim. Check it out might be able to help point you in the right direction. A little experimenting goes a long way.
Thanks everyone for the great (and quick) replies. I'll pick up a weight harness before the weekend and see if it helps--I've tried belts before and had to keep adjusting them every 5 minutes due to lack of a waistline.
Thanks everyone for the great (and quick) replies. I'll pick up a weight harness before the weekend and see if it helps--I've tried belts before and had to keep adjusting them every 5 minutes due to lack of a waistline.

:rofl3: OK there was/is a bit more in the MIDSECTION then I anticipated.:shocked2:
Yep the harness will do part of the trick for now.:D

Have FUN. and safe diving.
I would try first move the tank down and take the ankle weights out, this should correct your legs up just enough to put you horizontal, but not too much as an ankle weight would, so your leg should not go down.
I'll interject a little. Can you ask your buddy to take a picture? Sometimes we have to see for ourselves what our trim looks like. As for ankle weights, you probably don't need them. Work on adjusting the distribution between your hip pockets and trim pockets, also use tank position as a fine tuneing.
If you don't mind getting a belt that will help. Otherwise try these tips.
Oh yeah, let's not forget to check bouyency at the end of your dive to verify your not overweight to begin with.
I'll interject a little. Can you ask your buddy to take a picture? Sometimes we have to see for ourselves what our trim looks like.

Sure thing--will try the approaches suggested and get some pics on Sunday. Thanks for all the feedback. I'm a little grumpy that my Peak Performance Buoyancy instructor didn't mention tank position at all for fine tuning. Maybe the course manual did, but I don't recall it.

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