I had the same problems starting out. At first, an 18lb (-9 in water) canister light kept things "balanced", but when I switched to an HID I was way too top-heavy.
I switched to an Alum backplate, and a 6lb "tail weight" (sits on the lower tank bolt and drops to the bottom of the tanks) did the trick.
The other problem with the SS backplate - and with being too heavy in general - is that you have to put more gas in the wing to stay in place. However, when you move in the water column, the excess gas is just a PITA to manage.
I switched to an Alum backplate, and a 6lb "tail weight" (sits on the lower tank bolt and drops to the bottom of the tanks) did the trick.
The other problem with the SS backplate - and with being too heavy in general - is that you have to put more gas in the wing to stay in place. However, when you move in the water column, the excess gas is just a PITA to manage.